Looking for Feedback on Custom LPs/Setting

Warning: Very Long Post

I have created a set of lifepaths with some new traits and skills for my setting, and was hoping for feedback. This is a lot to ask, so thank you in advance to anybody who makes it through this.

These are a subset of humans, but feel distinct enough from the standard in Burning Wheel that I felt that burning up a new set of lifepaths was justified, at least for me.

I have already referred heavily to existing LPs, and reviewed the Anthology for any distinct new LPs. I am trying my best to ensure this reflects the spirit of Burning Wheel, but I’m really not confident in my ability to do that, as this is my first time trying.

Quick disclaimer: The Muraji are loosely based on and inspired by the real-world Bedouin, but these LPs don’t represent any real-world group. There are intentional departures from the Bedouin, and whole cloth inventions that have no relation to the real world (this is a fantasy game, after all!).

In my setting, the Muraji are capable, violent, tough warriors, but there are exceedingly few of them and they are fragmented, hence the Raider Cultural Trait. However, you could pretty easily turn them into superwarriors by just removing this trait, if you want to play some kind of Fremen-alike on a jihad.

The Lore (Skip Down to Cultural Traits if Uninterested)

The Muraji are nomadic desert people that live in tribes as small as one family and as large as several hundred people. Their society is spartan, and all members of their society rely on one another, resulting in a complex honor code designed to protect their society as a whole, maintain peace, and enforce social norms.

The Muraji trade with foreigners for supplies necessary to survive but difficult or impossible to make in the desert. Their primary exports are mined stones used to make pigments and collected resins, which are used as binders for paint and ink or by itself as incense.

Muraji society is exceedingly violent. Children are used as guards around the camp, teaching them how to use a weapon before they are even teenagers. The Blood Feud, which demands harm against one’s family be paid for in blood, teaches young Muraji that violence is a way of life, and a strong culture of raiding, both against other tribes and foreigners, trains these young warriors to become hardened warriors by their teens.

Muraji are governed by a system of elders, judges and descendants of Hita, the mythical First Muraji, who rule as tribal leaders.
However, the Blood Feud is not subject to their rulings, it is dictated solely by tradition.

Cultural Traits:

Code of Honor

Muraji maintain a code of honor that enforces strict social protocols on all members of society depending on their place in society. Failure to maintain these can result in ostracization, exile to the desert, and even death. The different aspects are expressed distinctly as shata, miru, ku, hutanu, akka.


A man must show patience and longsuffering, dedication to his family and the tribe, and subservience to the firstborn.

It is Shata that begets Akka, the Blood Feud.


A woman must protect and provide for her children, and remain loyal to her husband and subservient to the Firstborn.


All must offer hospitality, even to enemies and slaves—even to the fugitive you are seeking. Those who take hospitality are obligated to give their hosts news from their travels.


A man must protect his family and the tribe. He will do so bravely, showing no fear.


Harm to my family or tribe must be avenged in blood.


The Muraji are almost all at least semi-nomadic. Even the dwellers are ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Because of this, the muraji cannot buy any resources, except a herd of animals, worth more than 10 rps.


Raiding is traditional to Muraji society, most boys and even a few girls will engage in it by the time they are adults. However, the Muraji do not raise armies, and raiding parties are small, between 3 and 15 people usually. Even a Raider King might control just 50-100 souls.
Raids are usually conducted against other tribes, but occasionally some daring group will raid foreign towns and cities.


Muraji spend their days in the blistering sun, something they have long become accustomed to. Despite the protective clothing they wear, they tan thoroughly and markedly more than any of their neighbors who do not live in the desert, making them easy to distinguish.
They also suffer no penalty or additional obstacle for regular life in the desert with their tribe—however, they are not superhuman, and will suffer penalties like anyone else if they are caught without water or in a haboob, or some other unusual circumstance.

Settings and Subsettings:

Note: New skills and traits are marked with an asterisk (*).

Dweller Setting

Born of the Desert, 8yrs, 4 rps
3 pts: General
Traits: 2 pts: —

Goatherder, 3yrs, 4rps +1P
Skills: 4 Pts: Animal Husbandry, Sing, Climbing, Throwing
Traits: 1pt: —
Leads: Trader

Hunter, 5 yrs, 6rps, +1M, P
Skills: 5 pts: Hunting, Tracking, Stealthy, Survival, Bow
Traits: 1 pt: —
Leads: Raider, Trader

Breeder, 5 yrs, 7rps
Skills: 3 pts: Animal Husbandry, Sheep-wise, Goat-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Smells Like a Goat
Leads: Trader

Herdkeeper, 5 yrs, 7rps
Skills: 4 pts: Animal Husbandry, Horse-wise, Donkey-wise, Almanac
Traits: 1 pt: Love of the Horse
Leads: Raider, Trader, Caravanserai

Weaver, 3 yrs, 6rps
Skills: 3pts: Weaving, Sewing, Mending, Clothing-wise
Traits: 1 pt: —
Leads: Caravanserai

Miner, 3 yrs, 7rps, +1P
Mining, Stone-wise
Traits: Superstitious, Nimble
Leads: Caravanserai

Pigment Maker, 5 yrs, 10 rps
Skills: 3pts: Dye Manufacture, Mineral-wise, Grinding-Stone-wise
Traits: Blue Hands
Leads: Trader, Caravanserai
Requires: Miner

Wife, 10 yrs, 5+ rps, +1M, P
Skills: 2pts: Child-rearing, Cooking; also, see note below
Traits: 1 pt: —
Leads: Holy, Caravanserai
Note: A player who takes the Wife lifepath may also choose her husband’s lifepath from the Dweller, Trader or Raider settings and may choose from his skills: She gets half of his skill points, rounded down. She also receives half of her husband’s resource points.

Concubine, 8 yrs, 4+ rps, +1M, P
Skills: 3pts: Child-rearing, Cooking, Seduction; also, see note below
Traits: 1 pt: —
Leads: Outcast, Caravanserai
Note: A player who takes the Concubine lifepath may also choose her master’s lifepath from the Dweller, Trader or Raider settings and may choose from his skills: She gets a third of his skill points, rounded down. She also receives a third of her master’s resource points.

Camp Guard 2 yrs, 3 rps, +1P
Skills: 2 pts: Appropriate Weapons, Topography-wise
Traits: 1 pt: —
Leads: Raider, Caravanserai
Restriction: Can only be taken as second or third lifepath

Weapon Seeker 1 yr, 3 rps
Skills: 3 pts: Survival, Foraging, Mirage-wise, Visions-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Desert-wise, Ironblessed*, Deserter*, Spurned*
Leads: Raider, Outcast
Restriction: Camp guard, can only be taken as third or fourth lifepath

Waterfinder, 10 years, 10 rps
Skills: 3 pts: Waterfinding*, Topography-wise, Water-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Holier, Weather Sense
Leads: Trader

Poet, 5 yrs, 7rps
Skills: 4 pts: Recitation*, Dance, Poetry, Acting, Sing
Traits: 1 pt: Honored
Leads: Trader and Caravanserai

Eminent Poet, 7 yrs, 10rps, +1M
Skills: 5 pts: Conspicuous, Persuasion, Falsehood, History, Rhyme-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Passionate, Lesser Muse
Leads: Leaders, Holy
Requires: Poet

Poet Laureate, 10 yrs, 20rps, +1M
Skills: 6 pts: Etiquette, Oratory, Aura Reading, Rhythm-wise, Verse-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Graceful, Greater Muse
Leads: Leaders, Holy
Requires: Eminent Poet

Leader of Prayer, 5 yrs, 8rps
Skills: 3 pts: Oratory, Suasion, Doctrine
Traits: 1 pt: —
Leads: Holy

Mother of the Tribe, 10 yrs, 15rps, +1M
Skills: 5 pts: Etiquette, Oratory, Persuasion, Family History-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Domineering Presence
Requires: Character must be female and either married to or mother of the Firstborn
Leads: Dweller, Outcast and Holy

Elder, 7 yrs, 11 rps
Skills: 4 pts: Intimidation, Doctrine, Rule of Law, Conspicuous
Traits: 2 pts: Loyal to the Tribe Above All*, Callous
Requires: At least 5 prior lifepaths
Leads: Any

Arbiter, 10 years, 15 rps, +1M
Skills: 5 pts: Rule of Law, Amercement, Command, Tribal Politics-wise
Traits: 2 Pts: Authoritative, Decisive, Hard Hearted
Requires: Firstborn or Elder lifepath; at least 3 previous lifepaths
Leads: Any

Caravanserai Setting

Master of the Post, 10 yrs, 13 rps
Skills: 4 pts: Etiquette, Intimidation, Bargaining, Administration, Trader-wise, Bandit-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Gossip
Leads: Trader, Raider, Dweller
Restrictions: May not be character’s second lifepath

Porter, 3 yrs, 5 rps
Skills: 3 pts: Etiquette, Sleight of Hand, Traveler-wise
Traits: —
Leads: Dweller

Groom, 3 yrs, 4 rps
Skills: 4 pts: Animal Husbandry, Riding, Mending, Horse-wise
Traits: —
Leads: Trader, Dweller

Guard, 5 yrs, 6 rps +1P
Skills: 4 pts: Appropriate Weapons, Intimidation, Brawling, Graft-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Thug
Leads: Trader, Raider, Dweller

Farrier, 5 yrs, 7 rps, +1P
Skills: 4 pts: Blacksmith, Animal Husbandry, Horse-wise, Haggling
Traits: 1 pt: A Bit Deaf
Requires: A previous lifepath handling horses, such as Herdkeeper or Mounted Raider

Trader, 5 yrs, 9 rps
Trader-wise, Mending, Haggling, Persuasion
Traits: —
Leads: Trader, Dweller

Slave and Captive Setting

Muraji Slave, 3 yrs, 3 rps
Skills: 1 pt: Obligations-wise; also, see note below
Traits: 2 pts: Homesick, Humility
Leads: Dweller, Raider, Trader
Note: A player who takes the Muraji Slave may also choose his master’s lifepath from the Dweller, Trader or Raider setting. The Muraji Slave may purchase from master’s skills with half of that path’s skill points (minimum of 1).

Foreign Slave, 6 yrs, 4rps
Skills: 4 pts: Animal Husbandry, Appropriate Weapons, Slavery-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Tasting the Lash, Emaciated, Resigned to Fate
Leads: Raider, Outcast
Note: A player who takes the Foreign Slave may also choose his master’s lifepath from the Dweller, Trader or Raider setting. The Foreign Slave may purchase from master’s skills with a quarter of that path’s skill points (minimum of 1).

Slave Concubine, 5 yrs, 4rps
Skills: 5 pts: Child-rearing, Dance, Seduction, Cooking, Wife-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Numb, Obedient, Ambitious
Leads: Dweller, Outcast

Adopted Slave, 3 yrs, 4 rps
Skills: 3 pts: Etiquette, Tribe-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Honored
Leads: Dweller, Raider, Trader
Requires: A prior slave lifepath

Raider Subsetting

Warrior Poet: 3yrs, 7rps, +1M
Skills: 5 pts: Falsehood, Soothing Platitudes, Conspicuous, Poetry, Vainglory-wise
Traits: 1 pts: Booming Voice
Leads: Dweller, Caravanserai

Slave Raider, 5 yrs, 5rps, +1P
Skills: 4 pts: Foraging, Firebuilding, Shield Training, Appropriate Weapons
Traits: 1 pt: Scarred, Maimed
Leads: Slave, Dweller, Outcast

Scout, 5 yrs, 7rps, +1P
Skills: 5 pts: Stealthy, Foraging, Orienteering, Appropriate Weapons, Observation
Traits: 1 pt: —

Sandreader, 5 yrs, 13rps, +1M
Skills: 4 pts: Tracking, Orienteering, Desert-wise, Terrain-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Sense of Direction, Sense of Distance, Touch of the Devil
Leads: Dweller

Armed Raider, 5 yrs, 9 rps, +1P
Skills: 5 pts: Survival, Stealthy, Scavenging, Shield Training, Appropriate Weapons
Traits: 1 pt: Prominent Scar, Quiet
Leads: Dweller, Trader

Mounted Raider, 5 yrs, 10rps, +1P
Skills: 5 pts: Riding, Mounted Combat Training, Appropriate Weapons, Horse-wise
Traits: 1 pt: —
Leads: Dweller, Trader
Requires: Armed Raider

Veteran Raider, 5 yrs, 13rps, +1P
Skills: 5 pts: Raider-wise, Raiding History, Field Dressing, Tactics, Armor Training
Traits: 2 pts: Merciless, Maimed, Tough as Nails
Leads: Dweller
Requires: 2 previous Raider lifepaths

Commander, 10 yrs, 17rps, +1M,P
Skills: 6 pts: Command, Intimidation, Strategy, Battle-wise, Loot-wise
Traits: 2 pts: —
Leads: Dweller, Caravanserai
Requires: Veteran Raider

Raider King, 5 yrs, 9 rps, +1M
Skills: 8 pts: Intimidation, Appropriate Weapons, Countryside-wise, Fortress-wise, Foreign Languages, War-wise, Extortion-wise
Traits: 2 pts: False King*, Cold Blooded
Leads: Dweller
Requires: Commander

Trader Subsetting

Pack Tender, 3 yrs, 4rps
Skills: 3 pts: Driving, Knots, Hoof-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Earnest
Leads: Dweller, Caravanserai
Restrictions: May only be taken once.

Guard, 5 yrs, 7rps, +1P
Skills: 4 pts: Riding, Extortion, Mounted Combat Training, Appropriate Weapons, Bandit-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Flee from Battle
Leads: Dweller, Raider, Caravanserai

Trader, 6 yrs, 10rps, +1M
Skills: 6pts: Haggling, Appraisal, Persuasion, Falsehood, Inconspicuous, Bribe-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Nervous, Cautious
Leads: Dweller, Caravanserai

Pilgrim, 2 yrs, 2 rps
Skills: 4 pts: History, Doctrine, Religious Rumor-wise, Caravan-wise, Relic-wise
Traits: 1 Pt: Road-weary
Leads: Dweller

Slaver, 6 yrs, 12rps
Skills: 4 pts: Intimidation, Haggling, Persuasion, Falsehood, Slave-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Merciless, Cold-Blooded
Leads: Dweller, Raider

Wandering Poet, 3 yrs, 7 rps
Skill: 4 pts: Poetry, Acting, Conspicuous, Falsehood
Traits: 1 pts: Dramatic
Leads: Dweller, Caravanserai

Blood Feud Subsetting

Note: Blood Feud subsetting may be entered from any lifepath.

Cousin of the Dead, 1-5 yrs, 5rps
Skills: 3pts: Tracking, Intimidation, Interrogation, Fugitive-wise
Traits: 2 pt: Naked Hatred, Driven
Leads: Dweller, Raider, Trader
Restrictions: may not be the character’s second lifepath

Fugitive, 1-5 yrs, 4rps
Skills: 2 pts: Inconspicuous, Extortion, Persuasion
Traits: 2 pt: Desperate, Cold Hearted
Leads: Outcast, Raider

Descendants of Hita Setting

Born a Descendant of Hita, 8 yrs, 10 rps
4 pts, General
Traits: 1 pt: Descendant of Hita*,
Requires: Father has Firstborn or Son of the Firstborn lifepath
Leads: Any

Firstborn, 2-20 yrs, 30rps
2 pts, General
2 pts: Traits: Father of the Tribe*, Regal Bearing, Doctrine, Callous
Requires: Son of the Firstborn, express permission from the GM and all players in the current game
Leads: Dweller, Raider

Son of the Firstborn 3 yrs, 12 rps
Skills: 3 pts: Command, Rule of Law, Family-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Noblesse Oblige, Pompous, Callous
Requires: Cannot be second lifepath
Leads: Dweller, Raider

Last Son of the Firstborn 3 yrs, 12 rps
Skills: 3 pts: Command, Rule of Law, Family-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Inheritance*, Noblesse Oblige, Pompous, Callous
Leads: Dweller, Raider

Holy Subsetting

Intercessor, 8 yrs, 11rps
Skills: 3 pts: Oratory, Suasion, Doctrine, Symbology
Traits: 1 pt: Devout, Strong-willed
Leads: Dweller

Firespeaker, 5 yrs, 8 rps
Skills: 3 pts: Smokereading*, Symbology, Astrology
Traits: 2 pts: Odd, Hacking Cough

Mediator, 8 yrs, 10rps, +1M
Skills: 5 pts: Ugly Truth, Persuasion, Soothing Platitudes, Obligations-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Peacemaker*, Amenable to Other Options
Requires: At least 4 previous lifepaths
Leads: Dweller, Trader

Keeper of Histories: 12 yrs, 15 rps, +1M
Skills: 5 pts: Recitation*, History, Ancient History, Obscure History
Traits: 2 pts: Eidetic Memory
Leads: Dweller
Requires: Eminent Poet or Poet Laureate

Ancient, 5 yrs, 6 rps
Skills: 4 pts: Tribal History, Obscure History, Ugly Truth, Dweller-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Wisdom of Experience*, Dusty
Leads: Dweller
Requires: Character must have at least 6 previous lifepaths

She Who Dreams, 4 yrs, 4rps
Skills: 3 pts: Ugly Truth, Folklore, Omen-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Dreamer, Disturbed
Leads: Dweller, Outcast
Requires: Character must be female

She Who Understands the Signs, 4 yrs, 7rps, +1M
Skills: 4 pts: Astrology, Aura Reading, Folklore, Omen-wise
Traits: 3 pts: Second Sight, Touch of Ages
Leads: Dweller, Holy, Outcast
Requires: She Who Dreams

Outcast Subsetting

Skills: 3 pts: Lazy-wise, Work-wise, Inconspicuous
Traits: 1pt: —
Leads: Dweller

Skills: 5 pts: Beggardry, Persuasion, Falsehood, Bargaining, Mending
Traits: 1 pt: Lame, Downtrodden, Problems
Leads: Dweller

He Who Has Been Given Unto the Desert, 5 yrs, 4rps, -1P
Skills: 2 pts: Survival, Desert-wise, Orienteering
Traits: 2pts: Extremely Bitter
Leads: Slave, Raider

Hermit, 10 yrs, 8 rps
Skills: 4 pts: Survival, Inconspicuous, Astrology, Desert-wise, Haboob-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Eccentric, Linguist, Faithful
Leads: Dweller

False Prophet, 7 yrs, 4 rps
Skills: 4 pts: Oratory, Conspicuous, Heretical Doctrine, Demonology
Traits: 3 pts: Zealot, Rabble Rouser, Faith in Dead Gods
Leads: Slave

Demon Binder, 8 yrs, 10 rps +1M
Skills: 4 pts: Spirit Binding, Circination, Spirit-wise, Domain-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Lunatic, Inscrutable
Leads: Dweller
Requires: Hermit or She Who Understands the Signs

She Who Calls Forth Demons, 8 yrs, 15rps, +1M/P
Skills: 6 pts: Summoning, Bargaining, Inane Request-wise, Promise-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Arrogant, Feared, Faust
Leads: Dweller
Requires: Demon Binder, character must be female

* New Skills and Traits


Descendant of Hita: Dt: You are descended of the first muraji, Hita. This trait is required to lead a tribe—at least legitimately. Characters with this trait have a permanent lead to Descendants of Hita.
Restrictions: Muraji lifepath trait

Deserter: Dt: A deserter is someone who leaves the sojourn to the Smith, giving up on the difficult expedition and returning to the tribe as a coward. This trait grants you a 1D infamous reputation with either your Tribe or, if you move to the Raider setting immediately after gaining this trait, the Raiders you travel with.
Restrictions: Muraji lifepath trait

False King: Dt: A Raider King is expressly forbidden in Muraji law, as all tribal leaders must be descendants of Hita. But if you are this prosperous, who can tell you no? This trait grants a free a hateful relationship with the Firstborn of a major tribe (Powerful, hateful).
Restrictions: Muraji lifepath trait

Inheritance: Dt, : You were the last son of the Firstborn when they died and have inherited their tribe, making you a valuable target to your brothers after many years under your father’s tutelage and protection. Add +1D to intrigue-wise and family-wise tests.
You must take at least 1 hateful, immediate family relationship when taking this trait. But feel free to take more!
Restrictions: Muraji lifepath trait

Ironblessed: Dt: After sojourning through the desert to bring iron to the Forge, you met the Smith and were blessed with a weapon. This trait allows you to purchase a single Superior Quality Dagger, Longsword or Spear enchanted as a Spirit Weapon for 10 rps.
Restrictions: Muraji lifepath trait

Loyal to the Tribe Above All: Dt, 4pts: This character will always prioritize the tribe. +3D to the character’s body of argument in a Dual of Wits that they believe will harm their tribe.

Peacemaker: C-O: This skill acts as a call-on for Persuasion or Ugly Truth when trying to settle a dispute between two characters.
Restrictions: Muraji lifepath trait

Spurned: Dt: Despite completing your pilgrimage to the Smith and presenting your gift, he refused to give you a weapon. He did not explain; he never does, but you know why. This trait grants you a 1D infamous reputation with all muraji, and opens Summoning as a lifepath skills for you.
Restrictions: Muraji lifepath trait

Wisdom of Experience: C-O, 2pts: This character has lived far longer than those around them, and they have experienced many things that even the Histories do not recall. This is a call-on for Tribal History and Obscure History.
Restrictions: Must be Methuselah


Recitation, Perception
Poetry is not just beauty, it is also our history. A truly skilled poet can recite the stories of the muraji unto time immemorial.
Obstacles: Your family and tribe, blood feuds within your lifetime, Ob 1. The Firstborn’s family Ob 2. The history of the great sons of Hita, blood feuds within the Firstborn’s lifetime, Ob 3. The first or greatest blood feuds, Ob 4. The routes of the first muraji when they came into the desert, Ob 5. The lineage of all descendants of Hita up to the Firstborn, Ob 6. The tales of Ammes’s founding, Ob 7. The story of the Smith, Ob 10.
FoRKs: Poetry, History, Ancient History, Obscure History
Skill Type: Academic
Tools: No

Smokereading, Will
The unusual ability to divine martial matters specifically by studying the patterns of smoke from sheep and goat’s blood poured onto a fire, this skill is highly regarded among the muraji. Smokereading does not provide specific predictions, but general ones, e.g. “The raid will go well,” rather than “We will lose half of our number, but this is good because they will lose all of theirs.”
Obstacles: Divining whether a child will make a good warrior, Ob 1. Predicting whether it is an auspicious time or place for an attack, Ob 2. Predicting the general results of a raid, Ob 3. Foreknowing the appearance of a Demon, Ob 4. Accurately predicting the general location of enemies, divining the number of an unseen enemy force within a reasonable margin of error, Ob 5.
FoRKs: Symbology, Doctrine
Skill Type: Academic
Tools: A fire and goat or sheep blood

Waterfinding, Perception
A waterfinder is blessed by the gods with the ability to locate hidden water, and as long as you acknowledge their holiness (and perhaps pay them generously), they are happy to share their talent.
Obstacles: Finding a small pond after a rain, Ob 1. Finding a trickle of a stream suitable for one person to drink reliably from, or a small group to quench their thirst, Ob 2. Locating a small spring suitable for a few people to drink reliably from, or a large group to quench their thirst, Ob 4. Locating a suitable place for a well, Ob 7. Finding an underground spring or oasis to reliably provide water for a large group, Ob 9.
FoRKs: Topography-wise
Skill Type: Peasant
Tools: Traveling Gear

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Looks very fun to play, lots of options and some good conflict. Very violent but that feels like a table choice.

Miner and most of Caravanserai are missing traits. Just a minor note.

Dweller seems very light on required traits overall, which might be a little weird.

For the Descendant of Huta trait I question why it’s a Die Trait that only matters during character crearion and then becomes a character trait, just feels less impactful than, say, Mark of Privilege.

Those are my initial thoughts.

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I appreciate that feedback, thank you so much! I will check through it again today and consider all of these suggestions.

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This setting looks really fun, and I love the world building. Did you come up with all of this on your own? Was this a setting you had brewing for years and then used BW to make it playable?

Technically it looks great. I don’t have time time to properly review and nitpick.

One thing though. You might want a trait to define Firstborn. It’s all over the text but I didn’t notice a text and it seems important enough to spell that lifepath’s status and responsibilities.

Great stuff.

Thanks for the kind words and feedback!

The Muraji are a people from my current campaign, which has been going for a few months now. I’m a tinkerer/worldbuilder at heart, so I started with some key details that have developed further as we played in the setting, and after a while I decided it was a good place to try my hand at making a custom subsetting.

I do agree that I need to define what the Firstborn is. I think I just assumed it was obvious enough contextually, but that’s not a great idea when making something publicly available.

This is great stuff. Funnily I have a LP supplement in the works that also has a caravan subsetting it even has a porter in it. Convergant lifepath evolution must be going on :smiley:

Some light feedback.

  • You have some very high years lifepaths 10 years is often quite hefty as is honestly even 7 or 8. I am not saying don’t have them but one of the things I have noticed making new lifepaths is that often very high up in year count lifepath create balance issues because of the lessened physical pool that older characters get. This is especially true for 4 lifepath characters which is the main one most tables play with. Again maybe not even worth changing if you are happy with it all but something to maybe give a quick once over again.
  • On the resources side are you saying that no property resources aside from animal herds can be bought? This does make sense for nomads but your current wording seems to imply no Human Resources at all can be bought which would create a lot of naked and shoeless PC’s. In addition maybe the Master of the Post in the Caravanserai subsetting could buy something to reflect their ownership of the trading hub that was a type of property commonly owned by trade concerns even in mostly nomadic communities.
  • Finally why are the Trader Subsetting and the Caravanserai subsetting different? Feels they could be consolidated.

I would also recommend if you are interested in going deeper into the history of the Bedouin and have a tolerance for reading academic books The Bedouins and the Desert: Aspects of Nomadic Life in the Arab East by Jibrail S. Jabbur. On the topic of honor specifically that you seem also extra interested in there is Honor by Frank Henderson Stewart which goes into honor systems in general but specifically uses the Bedouin as a case study. Both books are from the 90s so not worth taking everything as gospel in them but they are both well constructed texts.

Overall very flavorful work!

Hey, thanks for the feedback, it’s sincerely appreciated!

I will have to do some checking on the duration of LPs, it’s quite possible some of them are on the overly long side; though I did try to compare to the most similar lifepaths in the book, that isn’t something I remember checking carefully when building them, and my instinct is that you may well be correct.

The RP cap was intended to prevent players from buying any properties, such as a workshop or rents, worth more than 10 RPs, since nomads simply won’t have them. Only after your post caused me to double check my wording carefully have I realized that it also prevents you from buying most spells, and could be read as preventing the purchase of relationships or reputations; I will have to clarify that. (Thank you so much for the catch!)

The Caravanserai subsetting is distinct because the caravanserais are not owned by the Muraji, they are simply staffed by them and mostly used by foreigners passing through—people trying to stay away from the Raiders. I have added some LPs and reworked some traits and RPs in the Caravanserai subsetting since posting this to try and distinguish them a bit, I just haven’t posted the revisions up yet.

The truth is I didn’t track them closely and don’t want to post a giant wall of text where most things haven’t changed. :sweat_smile:

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Just to be clear on the time thing it also might end up being fine. As you say base burningwheel already has many lifepaths that take a long time to walk on purpose. I just found in my own playtesting of my own ifepaths that I had to rejigger some. Sometimes the rejiggering was just adding more intresting and appealing skills or traits to the lifepath to make walking down it fun even if the cost is high.

It’s customary for cultural traits to be character traits. Consider moving your die traits and call-ons to born LPs.

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I don’t think any of the cultural traits are die traits or call-ons. They are quite descriptive, as I’m trying to differentiate from other human stock, but add no mechanical benefits.

Unless I am misunderstanding your post, which is possible. I’m happy to accept any clarification if I have!

Sunbaked implies a mechanical advantage over non-desert dwellers and Nomads imposes a mechanical limit, so that might be what @Crowsworthy means about them not being character traits.

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Precisely. Nomads is a die trait; It has rules. Sunbaked is also a die trait as written, since it proscribes obstacle penalties, although I’m not sure just how redundant it is. It’s not just about benefits either—Blind is a die trait!

Would I be assessing Ob penalties for, like, living among folk in the desert? Probably not.

Fair point. I have actually modified the stock much further, and Nomad is now just a character trait. I addressed my desire to make nomads out of these LPs by building a custom resource list, rather than proscribing it in a cultural trait. This has worked much better, in my opinion.

As far as the concern about the other die trait, I’ve taken it into consideration, and come to the conclusion that its important to keep on a fictional level. I think it’s necessary to establish these people in their setting.

People who don’t live in a desert should have an Ob penalty when trying to live or survive in one—there’s a reason that most people in the real world don’t live in a desert.

On a mechanical level, I think this has crossed over from custom LPs to custom stock, and different stocks do have die traits to differentiate them from the standard humans.

I’m not an authority on this, of course, and I’m happy to hear your thoughts. :slight_smile:

You really needn’t go so far as to make your desert folk a different stock. Are these people human? Could they walk into the city, onto a boat, into church and take LPs from the book? Making them their own stock implies they are a different kind of being from all the other humans in your world.

I would keep Sunbaked as a character trait to choose from for cultural traits (customarily you only get three, but overstocking the menu is :ok_hand:), and put Desert Dweller—no penalties for ordinary life in the desert—in the list for Born to the Desert: Traits: 2pts: Desert Dweller.

Alternately, “Muraji” could bear a lot of weight and could in the born LPs.

Is the limit on resources a lack of access, a cultural prohibition, or simply that these folk are poor?

I think the idea is that this is a specific setting thing. It’s a different stock like the (anti-)Jihadis. Or the Nipponese.

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Huh. I’d never thought of those as different stocks!

I don’t know that I would call them different stocks either, really. But they’re seperate from the core Burning Wheel setting(ish). Less so the Burning Sands stuff, but you get the idea.

Interesting idea, adding it as a born trait. I admit, it does make some sense in that I don’t think of the Muraji as a separate species, rather a group of people that live a life so far removed that other people probably can’t integrate into their society. I think it would definitely be possible for a Muraji to walk out of the desert and join other societies, though.

The limit on resources is due to a combination of lack of access, nomadic lifestyle and poverty. They don’t make expensive armor, for example, because they have little in the way of metal and a weak metalworking tradition. They can’t purchase castles with attendant towns because they don’t have towns and only build small permanent structures—and even those they only live in part of the year.

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