[Magic system] The Last Airbander

I just saw The Last Airbender by M. Night Shyamalan a few days ago, and beyond the negative reviews, I liked a lot this movie. I wanted to see the magic system of this film in the game, so I did this. Note: Because this is a large topic I divided it into three parts. I’m not sure about some elements yet. (The skill obstacles and the action cost for instance.) Consider it a first draft. If someone has comments or advice would be great.

A lot of data was extracted from Wikipedia and The Avatar Wiki.

First, we take the Grifted Child LP from the Magic Burner and the Arcane Devotee LP from the Noble Setting and tweak both a bit:

Name: Born Bender, Time: 10 yrs Res: 4 Stat: - Leads: Outcast, Court, Religion
Skills: 2 pts: General; 1 pt: Choose one: Airbending, Waterbending, Earthbending or Firebending.
Traits: 2 pts: Remote, Bender, Outlaw
Requirements: This counts as a Born Lifepath. It may replace any extant human Born lifepath for any setting.

Name: The Avatar, Time: 6 yrs Res: 10 Stat: +1 M Leads: Court, Religious, Outcast
Skills: 6 pts: Martial Arts, Meditation, and one of the following: Airbending, Waterbending, Earthbending or Firebending.
Traits: 3 pts: Reincarnated, Avatar, Child Prodigy
Requirements: If chosen, this must be the second character lifepath and may be only taken once.

Note: You can exchange both lifepaths. Born Avatar gives 3 trait points and has Reincarnated, Avatar and Child Prodigy as requirements, and Airbender, Waterbender, Earthbender and Firebender has 2 trait points and Remote, Bender and Outlaw as requirements. Usually, the Avatar will be Born Bender (but without choose the bender die trait) and The Avatar as the second lifepath. (This character was born being speciall, but it was not until the monks tested him, by presenting several objects among which he had to choose, proving to be the avatar if he chose one that had belonged to him in a previous life, that was not discovered his true nature.) But Born Avatar and Bender could work just fine. You can, of course, use just one of them as you see fit.

Then we make some new traits:

Bender, Dt, 5 pts
This trait is required for the character to be able to use one Bender Skill: Aerokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Geokinesis or Pyrokinesis. The player must choose one element: Air, Water, Earth or Fire. The character can’t be bender for more than one element, and through life he or she is tied to that element and can’t change to another. With the Bender trait, the character can control one of the four elements of Nature.
Restrictions: Men only, special trait

Avatar, Dt, 5 pts
This character is the Avatar, the spirit of the planet in human form. He or she can control the four elements of Nature: Air, Water, Earth and Fire, not just only one. Additionally, he/she can see the Spirit World and spoke with the Spirits, asking for their advice. When an Avatar dies, his/her spirit is reincarnated into the next nation in the Avatar Cycle, in the order of the seasons (Air and Autumn, Water and Winter, Earth and Spring, Fire and Summer), and must master each bending art in seasonal order, starting with the native element.
The most powerful ability that an Avatar can invoke is the Avatar State. While in the Avatar State, the Avatar’s eyes glow, as do any body markings following Chi paths. (Such as tattoos he could possess.) The glow is the combination of all the past lives, focusing their energy through the body. When the avatar spoke in this state, his voice resembled a combination of several different voices at once, his and what is presumed to be past Avatars, whose voices seem to reverberate.
The player must spend a Deed point to enter in this state, and may shade shift one of his bending skills to White for the entire scene or extended conflict. This requires approval from the entire group, and the character -or someone close to him- must be in a great danger.
After the Avatar return from the Avatar State the player must pass a Forte test. The obstacles is 10 minus the shifted bender skill exponent. If he fails the test, temporarily substract the margin of failure from his Forte as the normal rules for Tax in the Sorcery chapter and the Avatar can not remember much of what happened in that state.
For three Deed points, the Avatar has full control of this state and all his Stats, Attributes and Skills (including bending skills) are shade shifted to White. The Avatar’s eyes and tattoos glow only for a second, and during that time the current Avatar stores the knowledge and energy needed within him/herself so that he or she can release it once he exits the state, taking only the power needed for one specific task. Once the task is achieved (even if the scene or the conflict is not finished) the power is gone and the avatar returns to normality again. (The player can choose when exit from the Avatar State. This reduces the danger of being killed in this State and enables a more willful, controlled use of the Avatar State’s power.) There are no need for a Forte test in this particular case.
If the Avatar is killed while in the Avatar State, the reincarnition cycle will be permanently broken and the Avatar would cease to exist. Presumably, without an Avatar to maintain the balance, the entire world would soon follow.
Restrictions: Only one character can have this trait at a time in a given campaign

And some Skills. (This are the tricky ones.)

Note: You must use the Natural Effect Scale descriptions (BWG pg. 520) to all this Skills. And you can create such effects directly using that scale. The obstacle is 1 plus the desired effect.

Airbending (Aerokinesis), Will
This is the art that allows the airbender to use this force of Nature to make flows of air and use it generally as a defensive weapon. The practitioner performs a series of continuous circular motion, using both arms, hands and feet, making quick evasive maneuvers that evoke the intangibility and explosive power of wind, drawing energy from the center of the abdomen, making it difficult for opponents to attack directly.
Generate a breeze to extinguish the flame of a candle, Ob 2, 1 Action. Hitting an enemy with a gust of wind, Ob = Target Power, 4 Actions. (In Range and Cover the target is forced to withdraw one range category for his weapon, two range categories if the airbending double the obstacle, and three range categories if triple the obstacle. The target is also prone on the ground. The airbending can spend two extra success to disarm his opponent. This power counts as a missile weapon for range in R&C and acts as a Spear for Weapon Lengh in Fight.) Wind shield, Ob 4^, 11 Actions. (The airbending creates a whirlwind around him that makes his enemies difficult to strike or shoot him. If the player hits the obstacle all incomming attacks and closing maneuvers suffer a +1 Ob penalty. Extra success can be spend to increase the obstacles penalty, up to +3, and shield an extra character, one extra character per extra success.) Reduce wind resistance, Ob 3, 4 Actions. (The character increases his Stride to that of a horse.) Small tornado, Ob 4, 4 Actions. (The airbender can command his creation to do whatever he likes, and use it in a Fight or Range and Cover as a weapon. If you want to make damage to an enemy in R&C, the tornado must close to Too Close to Shoot. Power = Grear Mace; Range as Melee. He can not perform other actions while controlling the tornado.) Break a fall by creating cushions of air under the character, Ob 4, 2 Actions. (This reverses the use of the Die of Fate when falling for a great height. The character only takes a wound in case of a 1.) Sprinting over vertical surfaces generating a stream of air under the character, Ob 5, 3 Actions. Fly with a glider, Ob 5, 5 Actions. Fly without a glider, Ob 7, 5 Actions. Devastating tornado, Ob 8, 20 Actions. (As small tornado, but the effects are worst and the character can attack multiple targets at once. Power = Will + 4; VA 4. Weapon Lengh as Spear; Range as Elven Bow.) Cut off the flow of air circulating in the respiratory system to choke a person, Ob 8, 40 Actions. (The bender must have visual contact with the target.) Hurricane, Ob 10, 256 Actions. (If you use this in a fight, you win the fight. All enemies and friends around you are prone and disarm and maybe worst, and almost every structure around you is destroyed.) Drain the energy of a bender taking away his power to control the elements, Ob double the bender Skill exponent, 100 Actions. (In a fail, the airbender suffer a Wound equal the margin of failure.)
FoRKs: Another Bender Skill. (Just the Avatar.)
Skill Type: Sorcerous
Tools: No.
Special: The airbenders can use signed sticks to add +1D to every use of this Skill, metal fans for +1D each and a sacred stick for +3D.

Waterbending (Hydrokinesis), Will
This is the art that allows the waterbender to use this force of Nature to control the water and use it generally as a defencive weapon. The practitioner should move naturally, relaxed, loose and fluid, always maintaining contact with the opponent. Instead of reacting to certain attacks of the enemy, the body must react spontaneously and naturally, no resistance to the attacks, but instead using the opponent’s own strength, directing it against him.
Extract water from plants for drinking, Ob = how many persons or animals the character wants to feed, Actions 4 x Ob. (Roll a Dice of Fate. In a 1 or 2 the character or characters have only enough water for the moment. In a 3 or 4 the character or characters have enough water until the next day and they need to have something where to carry that water, like canteens or similar. In a 5 or 6 the character or characters don’t need more water until at least the next session.) Freeze the exhaled vapor, Ob 1, 1 Action. Lock someone in a sphere of ice, Ob Target Forte^, 4 Actions. (As Lock in Fight, except the player test Will instead of Power.) Freeze or defrost a small amount of water or ice, Ob 3, 4 Actions. Evaporate water, Ob 3, 4 Actions. Evaporate water to make a dense fog, Ob 3^, 4 Actions. (As Dark of Night, and the character can use this to trying to evade enemies in Fight or Range and Cover increasing opponents obtacles for the margin of success, up to +3. Extra success can be spend to conceal additional characters.) Ice shield, Ob 3, 4 Actions. (Margin of success are dice added to Block and Counterstrike in Fight and increase the opponent Ob to hit the character in Range and Cover, up to +3.) Create a wave of water to stop the enemies, Ob 5^, 11 Actions. (The character needs to be near a huge amount of water. Margin of success increase the obstacles for all targets actions at +1 Ob. Extra success can be spend to increase the penalty, up to +3 Ob.) Create ice missiles, such as balls and ice daggers, Ob 3^, 10 Actions. (The character can make a number of ice bolls or daggers equal 1 plus margin of success. Weapon Power = Will + 1, VA -, DoF I: 1-2, M: 3-5, S: 6; Weapon Lenght: Missiles; Range: as Throw Weapon.) Make a Poor Quality ice weapon, Ob 3, 4 Actions. (Choose from the list in page 554. The character can’t make mecanical weapons such crossbows or pistols, but can do arrows, one plus margin of success. Such weapons and arrows don’t have VA.) Create ice bridges, Ob 4 or more (depends on the size of the bridge), 11 Actions. Cure a wound, Ob 4 plus Field Dressing obstacles. (The character must to adquire a wise to use this power. Someone has to teach him.) Make a run of the mill ice weapon, Ob 4, 6 Actions. Cover arms with liquid water to hit or throw frozen darts, Ob 5^, 6 Actions. (Margin of succes are add to Power if the character use his forzen arms to hit, up to +3D. Additionally the character can throw frozen darts to hit his enemies. For every dart the chatacter throw, roll a Dice of Fate. In a 1, there are not more ice in his arms. Weapon Power = Agility + 1, VA -, DoF I: 1-2, M: 3-5, S: 6; Weapon Lenght: Missiles; Range: as Throw Weapon.) Create whips of water, Ob 5^, 4 Actions. (Success over the obstacle create aditionals whips. Power = Will + 3, VA 3; Die of Fate to determine IMS; Weapon Lenght: Longest; Range: as Heavy Crossbow +1D.) Make a Superior Quality ice weapon, Ob 5, 10 Actions. Walking upon water, Ob 5, 4 Actions. (As Water Walker spell.) Controlling the blood of a life form to manipulate it like a puppet, animals Ob 4, 15 Actions, persons Ob 8, 30 Actions. Extract water from the atmosphere or soil or from their own sweat, Ob 8, 5 Actions. (The bender can use this water for the rest of the scene.) Create a tsunami, Ob 10, 256 Actions. (As Hurricane, and the character must be near the cost.)
FoRKs: Another Bender Skill. (Just the Avatar.)
Skill Type: Sorcerous
Tools: No.
Special: Waterbenders draw their strength from the moon. At dusk, under the moonlight, the waterbenders gain +1D to every Skill use, at night +2D, in full moon +3D. However, during a lunar eclipse, they can’t use waterbending at all. When a waterbender ventures far from the coast it’s better if he or she carries a canteen with him.

Earthbending (Geokinesis), Forte
This is the art that allows the earthbender to use this force of Nature to control the earth both as a mechanism of defense and offense. This technic is based on the development of arms and strong legs, with emphasis on timing and the development of resistance to effort, making a series of moves based on the movements of animals like the tiger, which is used when initiating hard blows, and the crane, used for soft landing, waiting and listening for the right moment to attack, receiving enemy attacks until the right opportunity for counterattack is revealed, then hit with relentless force.
Knowing whether someone is lying by detecting their physical reactions, such as breathing and heart rate, Earthbending versus Will, 3 Actions. Raise a wall of soil from the ground to stop an incomming attack, bender versus bender test, 2 Actions. Levitate rocks of various sizes for use as weapons, Ob 3^, 4 Actions. (Power = Forte +1 for margin of succes, up to +3, VA -, DoF I: 1-2, M: 3-5, S: 6; Weapon Lenght: Missiles; Range: as Throw Weapon. Double the obstacle for an extra rock. Triple the obstacle for two extra rocks. Also acts as shield to block incoming attacks, 1D, +1D for margin of succes, up to +3D total.) Create dust clouds of different sizes to provide coverage, Ob 3^, 3 Actions. (As Dark of Night, and the character can use this to trying to evade enemies in Fight or Range and Cover increasing opponents obtacles for the margin of success, up to +3. Extra success can be spend to conceal additional characters, one extra character per success.) Soften the ground in case of a fall, Ob 3, 5 Actions. (This reverses the use of the Die of Fate when falling for a great height. The character only takes a wound in case of a 1.) Climbing Walls, Ob 3, 4 Actions. (As Wall Walker spell.) Disintegrate rocks thrown against the character as projectiles, bender versus bender success (or equivalent Skill, as in the case of a catapult), 1 Action. Remove impurities from contaminated water, Ob 4, 5 Actions. (An airbender can suspend water in the air, acting as Help.) Convert the ground into quicksand to immobilize an enemy, Ob 4, 5 Actions. (As Lock in Fight.) Hitting the ground with feet, fists or a hammer to make a crack towards an enemy so he lose balance, Ob 4, 2 Actions. (The target must make and Speed test to avoid falling to the ground. The obstacles is 1 plus margin of success.) Raise the ground to create a shelter, Ob 5, 11 Actions. Make tunnels in the ground to reach inaccessible places, Ob 5, 20 Actions. Know if someone is following the character, Ob 5, 2 Actions. Identify the identity of someone at a distance through the way he walks, Ob 5, 4 Actions. (The earthbender skin must be in direct contact with the ground.) Avalanche, Ob 9, 100 Actions. (Every character roll Speed versus 1 plus margin of success. Power = Will + 4. Use the Dice of Fate to determine IMS.) Make small pieces of land into a larger rock, Ob 10, 100 Actions. Earthquake, Ob 10, 256 Actions. (As Hurricane.) Manipulate soil when not in direct contact with it (e.g. if the character is airborne or in the ocean), + 2 Ob.
FoRKs: Another Bender Skill. (Just the Avatar.)
Skill Type: Sorcerous
Tools: No.
Special: Earthbenders get their power from earth. If the earthbender is in direct contact with the earth (e.g. if is barefoot) he or she gains +1D for all Earthbending tests. If the earthbender is surrounded by a natural extention of land, he or she gains +1D extra. If the earthbender is surrounded by mountains, he or she gains +1D extra. (So, if the earthbending touchs the ground with his bare hands or his bare foot in a natural area surrounded by mountains he gains +3D for all tests.) However, some particular powers need to be learned from a instructor or a scroll, as the power to control sand, metal, lava or mud. The bender HAS to have a Wise to any particular technic she or he wants to use.

Firebending (Pyrokinesis), Will
This is the art that allows the Firebender to manipulate the destructive power of Fire and use it generally as a offensive weapon. This powerful technique is based on speedy, successive and furious movements that evoke the uncompromising danger of fire.
Setting fire an arrowhead, Ob 2^, 3 Actions. (The arrowhead must be on the arrow and the arrow in the bow. +1 IMS, +1 DoF, +1Ob to hit, +1 VA. Extra success can be spend to setting fire aditional arrowheads.) Throw a fireball through a punch or a poke, Ob 3, 1 Action. (Power = Will +1; VA 2. Die of Fate to determine IMS. Weapon Lenght: as missile; Range: as pistol. Note: In Fight and Range and Cover the player can spend actions to aim a Fireball and to increase its power and VA.) Diffuse and extinguish an oncoming fire blast from another Firebender with a swift kick, jab, or defensive movement, Ob = Firebender success, 1 Action. Melt ice, Ob 4 plus extra success of the waterbending who created it. Make a circular stroke to create a ring of fire, Ob 4, 3 Actions. (Power = Will +1 for margin of success; VA 2. Die of Fate to determine IMS. Weapon Lenght: as spear; Range: as pistol. Affects all enemies engage with him in a Fight and all enemies at range in Range and Cover. Additional success can be spent to force the targets to withdraw one range category for their weapons and fall prone.) Make fire bombs, Ob 4, 2 Actions. (The firebending throw a boll of fire to the ground near an enemy. The target must make a Speed test to avoid falling to the ground. The obstacles is 1 plus margin of success.) Shield of fire, Ob 4, 3 Actions. (The bender creates a protective fire shield around him that can deflect attacks and explosions. The shield protection is 1D plus margin of success, up to 3D.) Create whips of fire, Ob 5^, 4 Actions. (Success over the obstacle create aditionals whips. Power = Will + 3, VA 4; Die of Fate to determine IMS; Weapon Lenght: Longest; Range: as Heavy Crossbow +1D.) Manipulating fire to burn down a house or other similar location, Ob 5, 20 Actions. Invoke a lightning than strikes to an enemy, Ob 6, 30 Actions. (Power = Will + 3; VA 4. Die of Fate to determine IMS. Weapon Lenght: as missile; Range: as elven bow.) Breath of Blue Fire, Ob 8^, 5 Actions. (Power = Will +3; VA 4. Die of Fate to determine IMS. Weapon Lenght: as Spear; Range: as pistol.) Get fire from his own body heat, Ob 9, 5 Actions. (The bender can use this fire for the rest of the scene or extended conflict. He must to learn an appropiate wise to use this technique. If the player fails, he must throw a Die of Fate. In a one, his character suffers a Wound equal the margin of failure.) Create a heavy rain of lightning, Ob 10, 256 Actions. (As Hurricane.)
FoRKs: Another Bender Skill. (Just the Avatar.)
Skill Type: Sorcerous
Tools: No.
Special: The firebenders extract their powers from the sun. Under the sunlight they get +1D to all firebending tests. At night they suffer a +2 Ob penalty to all bender tests. Once a century, Sozin’s Comet comes near to Earth. In this rare circumstance, all Firebenders can create fire from their own body heat without test, and all their bender skill tests are at +3D.


The benders must to dominate the martial arts that gives them their power. They must be in constant motion (except earthbenders, which remain static until the time to strike arrives) and maintain a hard concentration, to be one with their body and soul. In combat, all physical actions suffer an obstacle penalty equal the obstacle of the power they are trying to invoke. For example, if an airbender is “casting” a wind shield, and try to hit an enemy with a punch, his action suffer a +4 Ob penalty. If the action does not require a test then it cost an aditional action to perform. All extra success for the bender Skill can be spend to reduce this penalty. (If the player scripts an Avoid, he suffers no penalty.) In Range and Cover, the bender can only script Hold or Maintain maneuvers as he is performing his moves.

This is cool. I like it.
¿What’s if Airbending’s root is Agility, or Speed? Cause of the flexibility that an Airbender must have (in the series is obvious, but in the moovie it’s licuated).
¿What’s if Firebending’s root is Power? Just for make different from the other roots.

If you don’t go watch the show right now, I will hunt you down and strangle you.

I like it. How about this?

Root for Airbending = Speed
Root for Waterbending = Will
Root for Earthbending = Forte
Root for Firebending = Power

I’m on it. Maybe no right now, but I hope to see the first chapter soon. ;D

Two suggestions:

  1. Give all Benders Martial Arts
  2. Instead of listing 20 applications under each type of Bending, consider breaking some of those out into Training Skills. If you watch the cartoon series, it becomes pretty clear a lot of special uses can only be developed through specialized training and not just by general experience.


Good suggestion. Thank you!

I thought about it a lot, and your idea sounds good. At first, I solved it with wises (as you can read under Earthbending Special), but it feels weird. I did not want to create a lot of specialized spells, so I consider the obstacles examples just that: examples. You should be able to solve about everything with the Natural Effect Scale descriptions, and give obscales on the fly to any unusual request.

Another way to handle this is to create a special rule: You may add all your wises dice to any appropriate bender roll. High obstacles keep things balanced. But then you end up with a lot of wises on your character sheet, and that’s not pretty cool. So make sure it is hard to learn that wises.

  1. As a sorcerous skill are the bending variants Open-Ended rolls?

  2. Wouldn’t meditation be a good FoRK for nearly all the bending skills? I can imagine firebuilding, ditchdigging, being applied cleverly.
    3.Could the roots for each bending skills each link to their own physical stat + will?
    Airbending Will/speed
    Waterbending will/agility
    Earthbending will/forte
    Firebending will/power

  3. What about TAX? Can a bender just keep going and going and going?



Yes! I made Meditation one of the Avatar main Skills.

Are you saying that the bender skills must have two roots? I think could be, yes.

I think they should be. But you may ask for a Forte test for fatigue after a big fight I presume.

You should be able to solve about everything with the Natural Effect Scale descriptions, and give obscales on the fly to any unusual request.

Here’s the general way the series handles it:

  • Do something the element naturally does? Easy and normal.
  • Create a weapon or armor out of an element? Training, but pretty common for most benders
  • Alter temperature, shape, or do something weird for the element? (make lightning, shoot ice attacks w/water, make a ball of air to ride on) - definitely training - only a few characters do this.
  • Do something pretty weird (drain water out of living things, bend metal, redirect lighning) - training and possibly only one or two people in the world really use it.

The cartoon series is really worth watching for a good sense of scale - the kids start off formidable and end up pretty epic by the end, and you get to see a lot of growing pains and training along the way.


Or, Wises as FoRKs, ;).

Almost Perfect. But create a Lightning is a technic that only two (or three) people in the Avatar Wolrd can use: Azula, Ozaai, and maybe Zuko’s uncle. Zuko, his uncle, and maybe Aang can redirect it. But redirect a lightning has a special requirement: know something about Waterbending. So, all bandings may be FoRKs for all other bendings, but (except you’re the Avatar) you only can perform one of them.

Another question: what about Energybending (I would prefer “Chibending”)?

Yes, I’m saying making Lightning is a Training Skill, as well as Redirect Lightning. My assumption is that Iroh learns Redirect Lightning as a Training Skill from the Waterbenders (probably through White Lotus Contacts).

And, several characters show multiple rare or unique skills throughout the series - Katara learns the Octopus water fighting trick, draining water from living things as well as Bloodbending. I’m guessing anyone can learn several Training techniques if they find the time and a way to learn it.

Non-bending skills like Ty Lee’s paralysis/bending blocking would also be a Training Skill.


Just started watching the movie last night, but got tired and stopped. The cartoon is so much more awesome. Just making my coffee and getting started with the rest of the DVD now.

Chibending I’d say was a training, it’s closely linked to Spirit world Mumbo-jumbo, and of course, Avatar only.

How about this.

Common obstacles.

High obstacles.

Trainning skills required.

You need a trait to do such things. Some powers may require high obstacles, so maybe you need shade shift your bender skill to do those.

Thanks for your comments. Are very useful.