Mausugado: Mouse Guard in Feudal Japan

Thanks, I’ll do that, but I also created a folder on DropBox called Mausugado and have the PDF saved there.
Here’s the link. I hope it works.

As far as the Mausugado creed, I found this warrior’s creed online and I think it works. (I obviously modified it a bit to fit the Mouse Guard world.)

The Mausugado Creed
As a Guard Mouse, I live by choice, not by chance.
I am motivated, not manipulated.
I am useful, not used.
I make changes, not excuses.
I excel, but do not compete.
I choose self-esteem, not self pity.
I choose to listen to my inner voice, not to the random opinions of others.
As a Guard Mouse, I choose to do the things that others won’t
so I can continue to do the things others can’t.