As the title shows, I’m building a Mouse Guard setting with a feudal Japan twist. For the most part, it will play as the regular Mouse Guard game with a few new weapons and a whole new culture. However, I would like honor to play a significant role in the game and have come up with three options:
Honor as simply another way to earn Fate or Persona. As in “Did your character act with honor or with dishonor?” In this way, it is similar to Belief. If a character is played for a session with honor, he gains a Fate point. If he sacrifices honor but for the greater good, he gains a Persona point. If he simply acts dishonorably for selfish reasons, he gains nothing.
Honor as its own reward, in addition to Fate and Persona. For each session your character acts with honor, he gains an Honor point. If he sacrifices honor for the greater good, he neither gains nor loses. If he acts with dishonor for selfish reasons, he loses an Honor point. Honor points can be spent at any time honor would effect the outcome of a roll. (It is up to the player to explain how his character’s honor might effect the situation at hand). Spending one Honor point would allow a player to reroll all dice, (including successes). Honor points can only be spent once per test.
Honor as a form of karma. Anytime a character’s honorable actions put himself (and possibly his patrol) at a disadvantage, he takes a -1D to the roll to gain one Honor point for future use. A character can have a maximum number of Honor points equal to his untaxed Nature score. At any time, when in a situation where acting with honor would be advantageous for the character (and possibly the patrol), he may spend any or all of his Honor points to add +1D to his next roll for each Honor points spent.
#1 would be the easiest addition, with little change to the game mechanics.
#2 would be a little more of a change, but makes Honor a more significant part of the game.
#3 would be the biggest change, with a whole new mechanic to the system, but making Honor even more significant to the world.
I personally like #3, but it is a big change and my group says I tend to overthink and overcomplicate, so this might be an example of that. #1 would be the simplest solution, having very little impact on the game. #2 might be a good compromise between the other two.
So, I was wondering what you guys think. Any preferences? Or other ideas?