These forums seem fairly dead, but hell with it. Let’s poke this corpse.
In anticipation of the upcoming and indeterminately-dated 2E release, I’m currently cobbling together a supplement to Mouse Guard tentatively titled “Wildwatch”. The goal of Wildwatch is to introduce some play-mechanics that broaden the scope of the kind of adventures patrols can get into—in particular, traveling beyond the borders of The Wild Country, into the Darkheather, and onto the high seas.
The goal is not to “fix” Mouse Guard, as I think it’s a beautiful game. I just know there are some boundaries my group and I have bumped up against in the past, and I think they present some interesting design opportunities. The goal here is to grant players the tools to explore the darker/scarier areas of the MG universe, while still retaining the essential heart, moral character, and RP-driven nature of the system.
To that end, it introduces several new rulesets, including:
- Special rules for traveling in Wild Country, where things are bigger, scarier, and more dangerous
- Discharge Conditions, which allow players to take temporary leave from (or even be kicked out of) the Mouse Guard, under specific circumstances and conditions, with paths to reentry
- Oaths, which allows players who have left the Guard to pledge things to npc’s, gaining benefits but also taking on requirements and risks
- Minor tweaks to the Nature system, that modify what happens when your nature hits 0 or 7
- A teensy-weensy-teeny-tiny handful of new skills that, similar to Weatherwatcher, grant players additional means to take an active hand in shaping the story
- Finally, my personal favorite, a Misdeed system whereby players are now able to commit the kind of “un-guard-like” actions you’d typically railroad them away from in Mouse Guard (stealing things, killing NPC’s, etc) but in a way which disincentivizes doing so and rewards roleplay oriented around gradually pinning down a character’s moral code
And of course to demo all this, it offers up several new settings, stats a bevvy of new NPC’s sampling the new skills, and taps into Mouse Guard comics (including Black Axe and Legends of the Guard) which have released since the RPG was first written, in order to provide new campaign material.
Most of the hard legwork is done already. I’m still first-drafting all the flavor text and statting NPC’s, but the rules are tentatively done, barring (hopefully) some minor tweaking. The reason I’m posting the thread is this: I’m going to need playtesters to try these out soon, if anyone is interested.
I’m planning to run these by own group in the coming weeks, but additional feedback is always handy. Any volunteers? I’ll probably compartmentalize the new rulesets initially and split them up into various groups. I’ll need:
A) One group to test out misdeeds and leaving-the-mouseguard rules
B) One group to test out new skills
C) One group to test out the oaths system
D) One group to test out rules for traveling in Wild Country
Thanks all!