Mulitple Orders of Might in a Single Party

If the party has characters with different orders of might (say, some humans and then, say, something bullish and horned with Might 4), does the party’s Might count as 3 or 4 for determining what conflicts they can partake in? (Eh… I am totes missing something here, methinks.)


Yes, I too have been mysteriously wondering about this for some reason.

As far as I know, each creature has its own Might value. If the creature is the one that rolls dispo then the Might applies. Each creature’s own Might applies when said creature takes action. But I might be wrong.

Stay cool :cool:

That’s what I thought at first, but disposition is rolled after the GM determines the type of conflict (which is restricted by Might). Perhaps the Might of the character that roleplays the initiation of the conflict is used, or perhaps, if the Might 4 character wants to Kill (or whatever) a beastie the Might 3 characters can’t, then the Might 3 characters simply cannot take part in the conflict.

Might value should always be whatever the highest Might is in a given group.

Frex: If the warrior in our group drinks a Potion of Giant’s Blood and raises her Might to 4, every character in the party has an effective Might of 4.

I buy this as it is explicitely written into the rules for Giant’s Blood on page 148 that EVERYONE in the party has increased Might. It doesn’t address the question for when a SINGLE party member has increased Might though.

(I suppose it might work the same in both situations, although it seems unreasonable that having a single Might 4 character in the party will increase everyone’s Might to 4 [e.g., everyone is suddenly hitting harder, as per the rules on page 75.])

Even if you do resolve individual actions at different might levels, which conflicts can be attempted should be based on highest might. Look at it this way, if you’re trying to kill some big bad that only one member of the party is mighty enough to kill, the others can still weaken him up, it’s just that the mighty guy puts in the finishing blow. Put another way, a dragon with 2 or 3 kobold underlings can still kill the party.

I’ll go along with this only if there’s a provision that should the highest Might get knocked out, the fight instantly turns to a flee conflict…

Why not finish the conflict as it is, but if the high might party member isn’t standing and they still manage to win then apply the asymmetric conflict rules against the players. The best they can manage is to drive the enemy off. I believe a similar suggestion was made a long long time ago when someone brought up enemies with possibly unknown weaknesses, like silver for werewolves. Let them try the kill so as not to reveal the vulnerability, but if they win, all the manage to do is hold the enemy off, for now. I imagine if you allow the conflict to devolve into a flee then the players will use that fact when they think they are losing to avoid Killing is My Business…

I like this idea. A lot. Thanks.

Why not let the players decide whether they want to Flee or Drive Off, while letting Killing is My Business stand? Is that unreasonable?