My Fighting Arts

Banshee of Urnr


The dreaded raiders of Urnr move through the night like howling ghosts, a style they learned from the elven banshee of their homeland.

Exponent Form Skill Actions
1 Bare fist Beat, Block, Charge/Tackle, Great Strike, Push, Strike, Throw Person
2 Hatchet
3 Axe
4 Sword (except long sword), hammer
5 Short spear
Techniques Instruction Ob Physical/Philosophical Ob Practical Ob
Howling Charge Instruction Ob 1 Intimidation Ob 2 Banshee Ob 1
Throw Weapon Instruction Ob 2 Agility Ob 2 Banshee Ob 2
Counterstrike Instruction Ob 2 Agility Ob 3 Banshee Ob 2
Two-Fisted Fighting Training Instruction Ob 3 Agility Ob 3 Banshee Ob 3
Death Fast Approaching Instruction Ob 3 Speed Ob 4 Banshee Ob 4
Raider in the Night Instruction Ob 3 Perception Ob 4 Banshee Ob 4
Cry of the Banshee Instruction Ob 4 Intimidation Ob 4 Banshee Ob 3
Undying Ghost Instruction Ob 5 Health Ob 5 Banshee Ob 5
  • Howling Charge: Charge/Tackle counts as the first action of Social Action to Intimidate. In Range and Cover, can spend one success from the Charge maneuver to test Intimidation against Ob = Will of the opposing leader. If successful, opposing leader must test Steel for hesitation.
  • Death Fast Approaching: Start the fight in aggressive stance to increase the stride by 1 during engagement.
  • Raider in the Night: Reduce by one the obstacle penalties from lighting conditions.
  • Cry of the Banshee: Intimidate has presence area (affects everyone engaged).
  • Undying Ghost: Gritting Your Teeth reduces -2D from wounds penalties. The first two actions count as Social Action to Intimitade.

Dance of the Divine Dragon


The Divine Dragon inspired an elven style that uses the bow in close combat and dancing swirls around the enemy.

Exponent Form Skill Actions
2 Hunting Bow Avoid, Nock Arrow and Draw Bow, Release Bow
5 Elven Bow
Techniques Instruction Ob Physical/Philosophical Ob Practical Ob
Battledance Instruction Ob 1 Dance Ob 2 Divine Dragon Ob 1
Snapshot Instruction Ob 2 Agility Ob 2 Divine Dragon Ob 2
Skirmish Tactics Instruction Ob 2 Dance Ob 2 Divine Dragon Ob 2
Follow the Steps Instruction Ob 2 Dance Ob 3 Divine Dragon Ob 2
Aim for the Gap Instruction Ob 3 Agility Ob 3 Divine Dragon Ob 3
Fast Nock (-1 action) Instruction Ob 3 Agility Ob 4 Divine Dragon Ob 3
Point-blank Shot Instruction Ob 4 Dance Ob 4 Divine Dragon Ob 4
Dancing Dragon Instruction Ob 5 Dance Ob 5 Divine Dragon Ob 5
  • Battledance: Can use dance in place of Speed to Avoid.
  • Follow the Steps: +1D to actions testing against Avoid.
  • Aim for the Gap: +1 VA with bows in Fights and in Range and Cover when in optimal range.
  • Point-blank Shot: Can treat bows as polearm for Engagement Ob penalty and Vie for Position advantage.
  • Dancing Dragon: Nock and Draw Bow counts as Avoid.

Tradition of Bertolo


The military tradition of Bertolo is a versatile style used by guards and professional soldiers of the queendom.

Exponent Form Skill Actions
2 Bare fist, cudgel Avoid, Beat, Block, Charge/Tackle, Counterstrike, Lock, Push, Strike
3 Spear
4 Sword (except long sword), mace
5 Polearm
6 Long sword
Techniques Instruction Ob Physical/Philosophical Ob Practical Ob
Armor Training Instruction Ob 1 Soldiering Ob 2 Bertolo Ob 2
Shield Training Instruction Ob 2 Soldiering Ob 1 Bertolo Ob 2
Great Strike Instruction Ob 3 Power Ob 3 Bertolo Ob 2
Formation Fighting Instruction Ob 3 Soldiering Ob 3 Bertolo Ob 3
Life in Armor Instruction Ob 3 Soldiering Ob 3 Bertolo Ob 4
Disarm Instruction Ob 4 Agility Ob 3 Bertolo Ob 4
Command (+1D) Instruction Ob 4 Command Ob 4 Bertolo Ob 4
  • Life in Armor: Reduce the Ob penalties of armor to Health and Forte tests against fatigue by one.

Bertolo Marksmanship


The crossbow is the customary weapon of the ranged units and watchmen of Bertolo, trained to favor careful aim and extreme range shots.

Exponent Form Skill Actions
2 Crossbow Aim, Fire Crossbow, Reload Crossbow
4 Heavy crossbow
Techniques Instruction Ob Physical/Philosophical Ob Practical Ob
Shooting Position Instruction Ob 2 Agility Ob 2 Marksmanship Ob 3
Armor Training Instruction Ob 2 Soldiering Ob 2 Marksmanship Ob 1
Reload Training Instruction Ob 3 Soldiering Ob 2 Marksmanship Ob 2
Snapshot Instruction Ob 3 Agility Ob 2 Marksmanship Ob 3
Formation Fighting Instruction Ob 3 Soldiering Ob 3 Marksmanship Ob 3
Leading Shot Instruction Ob 4 Agility Ob 3 Marksmanship Ob 4
Sharpshooter Instruction Ob 4 Perception Ob 4 Marksmanship Ob 4
Deadeye Instruction Ob 5 Perception Ob 5 Marksmanship Ob 5
  • Shooting Position: Gain +1D to maneuver tests when taking the Hold maneuver in Rage and Cover. In Fight, increase the shooting advantage from Let 'Em Come! by +1D.
  • Reload Training: -4 actions to reload crossbows and -8 to reload heavy crossbows.
  • Leading Shot: Increase the maneuver advantage dice with crossbows at extreme range by 1D.
  • Sharpshooter: Increase the Aim advantage dice maximum in Range and Cover and Fight to Perception.
  • Deadeye: Gain +1D when taking Aim in Range and Cover and Fight. This die counts against the Aim advantage maximum.

The Five Principles of Honor


The queen’s knights sworn their oath when they are still young—since then and forever they are honorbound.

Exponent Form Skill Actions
1 Cudgel Avoid, Beat, Block, Charge/ Tackle, Counterstrike, Push, Strike
2 Mace, sword (except long sword)
3 Hammer, knives
4 Lance
5 Long sword
6 Great sword
Techniques Instruction Ob Physical/Philosophical Ob Practical Ob
Armor Training Instruction Ob 1 Soldiering Ob 2 Five Honors Ob 1
Great Strike Instruction Ob 2 Power Ob 2 Five Honors Ob 2
Mounted Combat Training Instruction Ob 2 Riding Ob 3 Five Honors Ob 3
Disarm Instruction Ob 3 Agility Ob 3 Five Honors Ob 3
Formation Fighting Instruction Ob 3 Soldiering Ob 3 Five Honors Ob 3
Feint Instruction Ob 4 Agility Ob 3 Five Honors Ob 4
Pierce Armor Instruction Ob 4 Power Ob 4 Five Honors Ob 4
Sweeping Stance Instruction Ob 5 Agility Ob 4 Five Honors Ob 5
  • Pierce Armor: +1 VA. Mark and Superb hits absorbed by armor still cause Incremental damage to the defender if the attack damages the armor.
  • Sweeping Stance: Enter this stance using the Change Stance action while wielding a two handed weapon. In this stance, the knight can Strike every enemy engaged with her at once, but takes +2 Ob penalty to the action. Test once against all targets. The Change Stance: Sweeping action counts as the first action of Great Strike.
  • Great Sword: Fighting with a two handed straight sword is an unique style of this school. The great sword is a superior quality weapon with these statistics:
Weapon Pow Add WS VA WL Handedness
Great Sword Blade 3 2 2 1 Long Two handed
Great Sword Thrust 2 2 2 2 Longer Two handed

Tradition of Lacon-Anton


The petty kingdoms of Flâmela and the archduchy of Lacon still practice the style of Lacon-Anton, mastering the spear above all other weapons.

Exponent Form Skill Actions
1 Staff Avoid, Block, Charge/Tackle, Push, Strike, Throw Weapon
2 Short spear
3 Spear, sword (except long sword)
4 Javelin
Techniques Instruction Ob Physical/Philosophical Ob Practical Ob
Armor Training Instruction Ob 1 Soldiering Ob 2 Lacon-Anton Ob 1
Shield Training Instruction Ob 1 Soldiering Ob 1 Lacon-Anton Ob 1
Formation Fighting Instruction Ob 2 Soldiering Ob 2 Lacon-Anton Ob 2
Great Strike Instruction Ob 2 Power Ob 2 Lacon-Anton Ob 2
Half Shaft Training Instruction Ob 3 Agility Ob 3 Lacon-Anton Ob 3
Block & Strike Instruction Ob 4 Agility Ob 3 Lacon-Anton Ob 3
Impaling Charge Instruction Ob 4 Power Ob 3 Lacon-Anton Ob 4
  • Half Shaft Training: Shortening or increasing the length of a staff, spear, polearm, and other shafted weapons does not cede advantage.
  • Impaling Charge: Can Charge, but not Tackle, with spears using Tradition of Lacon-Anton instead of Power. Charge with spears also count as Strike—a success deals Incidental damage, and extra successes can be spent as in Strike or to knock the target off his feet as in Charge.

This makes sense with all the Fighting Art questions in the discord. These are all very good well intregrated into the local cultures you want them to evoke. I also think they are well balanced but I have not played around enogh fighting arts in campaigns to fully know that.

The only one that gives me pause is Bertolo Marksmanship which feels like it is a bit overtuned Sharpshooter and Reloding Stance together feel like they are quite powerful. Espcially considering how hefty the time reduction to reloding is with Sharshooter.

Reloading Stance is quite powerful relatively speaking, it gives up to 8 actions advantage! However, crossbows kinda suck in Fights even with “only” 12 and 24 actions to reload. I don’t think it’s worth to do it over switching to another weapon even with this much advantage

That’s fair as well I get where you are coming from. Even with that reduction it is a long time.

Made a revision to every style so far, generally moving some actions to the base form, and adding extra spice to some abilities. I think I want to try some more exoteric FA now. I don’t think I’ll do them as powerful as Thor’s Wuxia ones, but I like how flavorful they are.


One of my players is doing a Nightseeker Orc, so I did this orc lifepath instead of the magical one. I thought about including magic in this one, but that was not what he was thinking to his style. I’ll be doing another bow-focused style for him as well.

Fell Blade


The seekers from the orcish quagmire of the Gorging Abyss strike first with fear and then with the blackened blade.

Exponent Form Skill Actions
1 Fangs and claws Avoid, Beat, Charge/Tackle, Feint, Lock, Strike, Throw Weapon
2 Knives
3 Garrote, short sword
5 Bomb
Techniques Instruction Ob Physical/Philosophical Ob Practical Ob
Sneak Attack Instruction Ob 1 Agility Ob 1 Fell Blade Ob 1
Lock & Strike Instruction Ob 1 Power Ob 2 Fell Blade Ob 1
Better When They Run Instruction Ob 2 Speed Ob 2 Fell Blade Ob 2
Two-Fisted Fighting Training Instruction Ob 2 Agility Ob 3 Fell Blade Ob 2
Haunt Instruction Ob 3 Speed Ob 3 Fell Blade Ob 3
Poison the Well Instruction Ob 3 Agility Ob 3 Fell Blade Ob 3
Fear of the Dark Instruction Ob 4 Intimidation Ob 4 Fell Blade Ob 4
Night Stalker Instruction Ob 5 Speed Ob 4 Fell Blade Ob 5
  • Sneak Attack: Can use Great Strike with only one hand against creatures hesitating from ambush. If wielding two weapons, can use Great Strike with both weapons, dividing the dice between the weapons as in Two-Fisted Fighting Training.
  • Better When They Run: +1D to Strike, Great Strike, Charge/Tackle, Lock, and Lock & Strike against Run Screaming.
  • Haunt: Successful Stealthy or Inconspicous tests to follow someone can force them to test Steel for hesitation at any point. In Range and Cover, can spend one success from the Sneak In or Sneak Out maneuvers to test Intimidation against Ob = Will of the opposing leader. If successful, opposing leader must test Steel for hesitation.
  • Poison the Well: Each success spent to change the hit location of a poisoned weapon also reduces the number of exchanges for the poison to take effect by one, to a minimum of one exchange. The seeker doesn’t actually need to change the hit location. Shooting at the head reduces the time by only one exchange.
  • Fear of the Dark: -1 action to Social Action to Intimidate while in complete darkness against creatures that can not see in the dark.
  • Night Stalker: Creatures that can’t see in complete darkness increase the Ob penalty by one on tests against the seeker and on Steel tests caused by the seeker while in the dark.

I’ve been wondering how to handle being specifically trained in sneak attacks. I like what you’ve done there!

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Wow, Sneak Attack is terrifying!

This is the orc archery style for my player. He requested a style that focuses on rapid shots over accuracy. One thing that I noticed is that it’s quite harder to make fighting styles for ranged weapons, not as many levers and knobs to adjust.

Bites of a Thousand Flies


The swarming flies of the Gorging Abyss bore through the skin to gnaw at the flesh beneath, a horror that inspired the rash archery of the orcs of the quagmire.

Exponent Form Skill Actions
2 Hunting Bow Avoid, Nock Arrow and Draw Bow, Release Bow, Snapshot
6 Great Bow
Techniques Instruction Ob Physical/Philosophical Ob Practical Ob
Half Draw Instruction Ob 1 Agility Ob 2 Thousand Flies Ob 2
Snapshot (+1D) Instruction Ob 2 Agility Ob 2 Thousand Flies Ob 2
Fast Nock (-1 action) Instruction Ob 3 Agility Ob 3 Thousand Flies Ob 3
Skirmish Tactics Instruction Ob 3 Soldiering Ob 2 Thousand Flies Ob 3
Ready Arrow Stance Instruction Ob 4 Agility Ob 3 Thousand Flies Ob 4
Dark Cloud Instruction Ob 5 Agility Ob 5 Thousand Flies Ob 6
  • Half Draw: May take -1 to the damage DoF of bows to reduce the draw actions of Nock Arrow and Draw Bow by 1. In Range and Cover, take the penalty to add +1D to the maneuver advantage dice of bows at optimal range.
  • Ready Arrow Stance: Enter this stance with the Change Stance action. This stance reduces the nock actions of Nock Arrow and Draw Bow by 1. The archer suffers +1 Ob penalty to Release Bow and Snapshot, and may not Aim. Change Stance: Ready Arrow counts as the first action of Nock Arrow and Draw Bow.
  • Dark Cloud: May nock two or three arrows at once during Nock Arrow and Draw Bow. Divide the dice as evenly as possible between the shots and resolve them separately. Spread the obstacle penalties from cover, shield, and illumination evenly between the arrows as well, but apply other obstacle penalties to each shot individually.
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Dark Cloud seems to double up penalties. If I Knock 3 arrows and have B5 Cloud of a Thousand Flies, does that mean an Ob2 target is Ob4 and I roll B2, B2, and B1 to hit it?

That is correct. You can gain some extra dice from aim (maybe +3D from half perception), and maybe another +1D from ForK or artha. In this case you would be rolling 9D divided for the 3 arrows vs Ob 4… ok, yeah, the penalty can probably be removed. Splitting the dice is possibly bad enough I think.

Changed the Fighting Art name to Bites of a Thousand Flies instead of Cloud of a Thousand Flies. Also removed the Ob penalties from Dark Cloud. Thanks for the feedback!

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This one is for my philosopher sailor player. He wanted something that uses found weapons and tavern brawling, and that veteran pirates and sailors can also use with an actual weapon.

Diplomacy of Broken Glass


The Flamish sailors learn to fight with whatever they find in their hands when the raiders of Urnr attack, a common occurrence in all the ports of the Sea of Broken Glass.

Exponent Form Skill Actions
1 Bare fist Avoid, Beat, Charge/Tackle, Great Strike, Lock, Push, Strike, Throw Person
2 Found weapons
3 Knife, hatchet
4 Chain
5 Swords (except long sword)
Techniques Instruction Ob Physical/Philosophical Ob Practical Ob
Brawling Training Instruction Ob 1 Power Ob 1 Broken Glass Ob 1
Break on the Neck Instruction Ob 2 Power Ob 2 Broken Glass Ob 2
Grab Anything Instruction Ob 2 Agility Ob 2 Broken Glass Ob 2
Block Instruction Ob 2 Agility Ob 1 Broken Glass Ob 3
Tipsy Fighter Instruction Ob 2 Agility Ob 2 Broken Glass Ob 2
Knock 'Em Down Instruction Ob 3 Power Ob 3 Broken Glass Ob 3
Lock (+1D) Instruction Ob 3 Power Ob 3 Broken Glass Ob 3
Disarm Instruction Ob 3 Agility Ob 3 Broken Glass Ob 3
Command (+1D) Instruction Ob 4 Command Ob 4 Broken Glass Ob 4
Counterstrike Instruction Ob 4 Agility Ob 3 Broken Glass Ob 4
  • Brawling Training: May use Diplomacy of Broken Glass in place of Power for Charge/Tackle, Lock, and Push.
  • Break on the Neck: On successful Great Strike, the brawler may break his weapon to add 2 success to the action.
  • Grab Anything: -1 action to Draw Weapon and to Physical Action to pick up a nearby weapon.
  • Tipsy Fighter: Ignore any obstacle penalties to fight actions from unstable ground or drunkness.
  • Knock 'Em Down: +1D to Charge/Tackle, Push, and Throw Person.
  • Chain: Chains are found weapons with the statistics below. Chains can be used to Lock. Spend one success from Lock to deal incidental damage to the target.
Weapon Pow Add WS VA WL Handedness
Chain 2 2 2 0 Long Two handed
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These are all three FAs for my players. I’ll go back to my exoteric arts now. I have one art that requires Faith and another that requires Gifted in mind.


This one breaks the rule and has both a ranged and a melee weapon in the same Fighting Art. It couldn’t be other way though, and pistols and bombs are limited in distance, so I thinnk that is fine. Also, Faith-based Fighting Arts is a bit hard to do, since Faith itself can already do so much, from dice bonus to open-ended skills to minor miracles that can do impossible things.

Grace of Steel and Smoke


The devout assassins of the saint paladin Santa-Elinett lunge from the smoke of their firearms to a sudden strike with their halberd.

Restriction: Only the Faithful devout to Santa-Elinett can learn the techniques that require a Doctrine of Santa-Elinett philosophical test.

Exponent Form Skill Actions
1 Bare fist, staff Avoid, Block, Counterstrike, Feint, Fire Gun, Push, Reload Gun, Strike
2 Spear, bomb
3 Pistol
4 Polearm
Techniques Instruction Ob Physical/Philosophical Ob Practical Ob
Aim Instruction Ob 1 Perception Ob 1 Steel and Smoke Ob 1
Throw Weapon Instruction Ob 1 Agility Ob 2 Steel and Smoke Ob 2
Blessed Black Powder Instruction Ob 2 Doctrine of Santa-Elinett Ob 2 Steel and Smoke Ob 2
Snapshot Instruction Ob 2 Agility Ob 2 Steel and Smoke Ob 2
Smoke Curtain Instruction Ob 3 Stealthy Ob 3 Steel and Smoke Ob 3
Tongue of the Dragon Instruction Ob 3 Agility Ob 3 Steel and Smoke Ob 3
She Guides My Hand Instruction Ob 4 Doctrine of Santa-Elinett Ob 3 Steel and Smoke Ob 4
Load the Gun for Me, My Lady Instruction Ob 5 Doctrine of Santa-Elinett Ob 5 Steel and Smoke Ob 4
Stance of Santa-Elinett Instruction Ob 6 Doctrine of Santa-Elinett Ob 6 Steel and Smoke Ob 6
  • Blessed Black Powder: May test Ob 1 Faith in place of the DoF for the gunpowder die and explosive misfire die. If the Faith test fails, the second roll is a DoF as normal.
  • Smoke Curtain: After using Fire Gun or Snapshot with a firearm, may immediately test Stealthy vs. Observation to not cede advantage. If Change Weapon is scripted right after the Fire Gun or Snapshot action, it also does not cede advantage if the versus test is successful.
  • Tongue of the Dragon: Fire Gun and Snapshot with firearms grant +1D to the next Counterstrike, Feint, Great Strike, Strike, or Throw Weapon action, or to the next vying for position test. This bonus is lost if any other action is scripted after Fire Gun or Snapshot, with the exception of Change Weapon.
  • She Guides My Hand: The Block action can be used versus firearms, knocking off successes from the Fire Gun or Snapshot actions as if they were Strikes.
  • Load the Gun for Me, My Lady: May pray for aid during the Fire Gun action with an unloaded firearm. A successful Ob 4 Faith test reloads the weapon before the action completes. For Snapshot, the prayer must start one action before the shot is taken.
  • Stance of Santa-Elinett: Enter this stance with the Change Stance action. The devout may wield a pistol or thrown weapon in one hand and a melee weapon in the other. If the melee weapon is a two handed weapon, the devout takes a +1 Ob penalty to all fighting actions. The devout may script Snapshot together with Strike, and Fire Gun or Throw Weapon together with Great Strike, dividing the dice between the weapons as with Two-Fisted Fighting Training. The Change Stance: Santa-Elinett action counts as Avoid.