Last Friday we wrapped up the first phase of our first Burning Empires game. I’ve learned a lot over those 6 sessions, and wanted to share what I’ve learned and some of the challenges I’ve faced.
Some basic info:
GM: Kevin (me)
GMFON: Grand Inquisitor Tyr, head of the Church. (infiltration)
GMFON: Raymix, head of a criminal organization, Vaylen (usurpation)
GMFON: Lord Tokugawa, bitter forged lord, hungry for power and resents the Emperor’s rule. (invasion)
PC Infiltration FON: Xun Xi Yi, head of the Psychologist foundation. Played by Brandon.
PC Userpation: A-ren, head of the banking house and crime lord. Played by Kory.
PC Invasion: Lord Shiyonin Forged Lord, right hand of the Emperor. Played by Dan.
Our basic theme was: What if Star Wars looked all Asian and got invaded by the Vaylen?
First and foremost, as a GM, I’ve never gotten my ass kicked like I have in this game so far. This was almost a complete shutout so far, though I did manage to pull out a Compromise at the last second, they’re stating the next phase WAY ahead of me. Not only that, they’ve already killed my Invasion FON, when they captured him in a battle.
Basically, here’s my list of reasons why I am doing so poorly:
1: The helping die rule: We were doing helping dice wrong. We were doing 1 skill per CHARACTER, not 1 skill per PLAYER. The players could quickly overwhelm me in almost every situation, but at the time I chalked this up to my own inexperience. All of their characters are very well built, and for many circumstances they can circles up a character that with one roll becomes a relationship. They just had a stable of helping dice that grew and grew and grew. I assumed that if I spent my building rolls more effectively and burnt up characters that could do the same thing they did, I could keep up. I couldn’t and didn’t keep up. There are many situations I can think back to during our game where I was just shocked at the number of people who’d come out of the woodwork to help the PC’s out, and I always seemed to have so few on my side. Correcting this will help a lot, I think. There was a post about clarifying this point, but I don’t know where it went to…
2: Poor scripting on the Infection level. Namely, one or two of those maneuvers ended up doing nothing at all for me and a LOT for them.
3: Amazing rolls on Brandon’s part. They dropped me 11 points, TWICE, and using Flak, Brandon rolled just amazingly well on the attack part both times + artha + call-ons. Ouch.
4: Inexperience. The difficulty for this game is very, very front-loaded and Dan, Kory, and Brandon all have WAY more experience with Burning games than I do. They also seem to just grasp what to do way better than I do.
5: Downtime, and this one is actually a combination of #2, 3, and 4 all rolled into one. A) they scripted Go to Ground when I scripted Assess, which completely kicked my ass, and they rolled REALLY well, so they got a YEAR of downtime to train up their skills. That was the 2nd maneuver, from there on out they had TONS of skills WAY higher than I did. This includes their relationship characters too. I was pretty much on the defensive from here on out, and never regained my footing.
Because of all this, I failed at nearly everything I tried. I won, I think, one conflict the whole phase, and even then that was with a major compromise that probably hurt me more than had I just lost outright. A fair # of the conflicts were complete shutouts in their favor. This started making me gun shy. When an assault on a base ends with my Invasion Figure of Note captured, and the rescue attempt was a COMPLETE ROUT, and every Duel of Wits ends with my characters having less authority than they started with… I started thinking “ok, obviously these guys are better prepared than I am” so I started trying to take more building scenes, tried to coordinate helping dice and linked tests. That just put me on the defensive, though, and I was unable to muster proper defense for their own conflicts and schemes.
Part of me feels like I’ve utterly failed as a GM. As Dro says, they should be shitting their pants all the time. They are certainly not shitting their pants. I know these rules free things up so that I can be balls to the wall aggressive without resorting to GM Fiat, but I certainly don’t seem to be pulling that off. On the other hand, it kinda feels like being a GM in a traditional game. I put up plans, and the players defeat them. I know they’re having a good time, but getting my ass handed to me session after session has started to cause my enthusiasm to flag.
A big part of this is I know I just need to get more practice in there. I’m “taking my lumps” but it seems like this process is more painful than it should be. Dunno. Maybe I’m just being a sore loser? Anyway, don’t really have any questions. Mainly just killing time at work. I’m open to any and all advice anyone has to offer!