This idyllic town is surrounded by a grove of apple trees. Appleloft was founded by a group of artists as a haven for those who wish to live in peace and create.
The city is known for an excellent spiced honey-apple wine called Catrin’s Apple Nectar (named after one of the towns founders).
One minor export is called apple salt by the scientists that extract it from the old apple seeds and sell it to Sprucetuck. It is said to be a vital component in the scent border. It looks like salt; it is packed in a sealed bottle placed inside a padded bag. The guard usually transports it; few know that the bottle contains enough cyanide to kill a small city.
Location/Structure: Appleloft is small groups of buildings in, and around the roots of the apple trees. Several homes, however, have been built into and onto the branches of the trees. A large series of halls have been constructed under the largest apple tree in the center of the grove; this is the meeting center and archives. The loamy soil makes digging easy, but stone, very rare here, or wood must be used to shore up the construction.
Size: Town
Government: Appleloft is run by a highly bureaucratic democracy. The community makes any decision that is made for the community; the individual retains a lot of autonomy, as the laws are written to affect a mouse’s personal life little. A general council is convened when a decision must be made; the eldest of the community presents the problem, they are then allowed to speak their mind on the situation. Next, anyone who has an opinion can speak, then rebuttals are heard, and then options discussed. The eldest distills a decision from this and it is voted on; two-thirds must agree or it’s back to the discussions. These proceedings often reconvene over several days.
It has been half-jokingly said that the seasons move faster than the council in Appleloft.
On the bright side of things, if you wish to learn the skills Orate or Persuade, then move to Appleloft for a few seasons.
There are two positions, other than Town Elder, that are voted in;
Civil Defense Captain – The need for fast decisions in times of danger has been recognized, the mouse in this position takes command when Appleloft is in danger.
Keeper of the Grain – This mouse sees that all citizens of Appleloft have the food they need to survive, manage the public stores, and keep the bookwork (including the archives).
Major Trades: Apiarists, Brewers, and Artisans
Import/Export: Appleloft imports most of its metal and stone. It exports hard cider, honey, apple wine, and artworks of all kinds.
Recruitment: Mice from the town of Appleloft may select the following during recruitment:
Traits: Early Riser, Thoughtful
Skills: Brewer, Orate, Persuade