New download available: Skill Factors play aid sheet

I really like the Skill Test flowchart play aid sheet, but it only handles the process of making tests at a general level; I wanted a play aid sheet that would help me as a GM build up test obstacles easily without a lot of page flipping, and something that would help my players see how all the skills interweave with each other, and what their options are to add dice to tests and so on.

Accordingly, I whipped up a Skill Factors play aid sheet and made a PDF of it. For now, I’ve put it up on my iDisk and added a link to that in the wiki. If it makes sense to store it in the wiki’s file upload area, I’m cool with that.

If there’s anything that people think would be an improvement, feel free to suggest it.

That’s very nice of you!

This same information is provided on the right panel of the GM’s screen. :slight_smile:

Great! I’ll happily use it when it arrives in my mailbox, but I suspect my current game will get off the ground (next week) before that happens. 8/

I am indeed really looking forward to the boxed set, though!

I’ve used this skill sheet in two games now and it’s a great help!


I made something similar when I first got the PDF. Victor’s is prettier, and gives me ideas for improving my own.

I never shared it because I felt it too much of the rules content.