Wow. Very cool. Good instinct, too. I can see running a simultaneous (in game-time) Close Combat with a Psychic Duel in cases like that.
Do you have any advice on setting good, strong counter-statements for Psychic Duels? Particularly in situations where it’s a skilled psychologist against a non-psychologist?
I understand the non-psychologist can leverage a connection or pervert the statement of purpose to some degree, but how would he really put the screws to the psychologist and make him sweat?
Say, in your example. I could say something like, “If I win, my love turns sour and my hatred for you knows no bounds, so I’ll change my belief to involve destroying everything you hold dear.” Correct?
But I couldn’t say something like, “If I win, YOU love ME.” 'Cause I’m not a psychologist.
No. Victims of psychological manipulation cannot use Psychology or anything that smacks of mind control. For the victim, it’s a standard DoW. Target Players may only offer stakes appropriate to a Duel of Wits – not to a Psychic Duel.
That’s, “victims cannot… unless they have Psychology and the Bright Mark or Mule traits”, right? I mean, you duel another Psychologist, you’d better practice your adoring, yet mindless gaze in case you lose.