I’m reading thru the rulebook prior to starting my first campaign (as a GM). The only thing that has me a little bit hung up is Circles. It suggests in several places that contacts made with Circles essentially become “friends” once the Circles role is successful. I have three questions, and both relate to the Attitude factors.
Why even have attitude as a positive scale (Neutral, Willing to Help in some Capacity) when successful Circles makes the target helpful, regardless? i.e. after a successful circles roll, a Neutral mouse will help the player, so why would any player ever look for a mouse who is specifically willing to help? Does circles not make mice helpful? And if not, does that mean 90% of circles rolls get followed up by persuader/deceiver (con)tests?
In the example given for Circles (Lieam looking for a conspirator), the computed ob was 5. This was due to 3 for Uncommon profession, and 2 for mid-level power. Why was it not ob7, as he was looking for a conspirator that would get him into the rebel army (“willing to help in some capacity”), or at least ob6 (“neutral”)? It seems only Profession and Power were tabulated, and not Attitudes.
Why would Attitudes start at Neutral? It seems like this would mean every Circles roll should be ob1 by default, unless I guess you were looking for mice that wanted to hurt you.
I am guessing that either I am missing something in the book, or that this becomes obvious in play. Can someone shed some light?