Question - Vaylen and the Child Trait

So I’m curious about picking up the Child trait as a Vaylen character. What aspects of the normal character creation process do I get to keep, and what goes out the window? I understand that, subsequent to all Lifepath choices, my base stat pools now become 6P, 11M (and there’s not much that can change that), but what about the following aspects:

  • Skill points: Can I open, advance, and encode starting skills based on the pre-Child stat pools? (If not - oookay, that’s sure going to gimp my character.)
  • Resources points: Can I spend rps earned in old Lifepaths on technology and other items appropriate to the new child’s body? Or keep toys that’d be more appropriate to the old host, that a child might not be able to use? (“Why does a seven year old girl have a fully-functional suit of high-Index Iron in her closet?!?!?”)
  • Circles points: Some of these might be spent on affiliations and relationships for the Naiven-worm identity, which is fine. Is it possible at all to use Circles points to buy relationships for the child-identity, though? Or will I just have to rely on base Circles, the one free relationship, and connections to the Vaylen in actual play?

Thanks in advance!

  1. Sure!

  2. Of course. You gotta kit out all your bodies. And you’re right, you better keep that stuff hidden.

  3. I think the Reps and Affs stuff is discussed in the Vaylen chapter (or maybe the Circles chapter)?

“Eeeeeeeexcellent.” :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. Of course. You gotta kit out all your bodies. And you’re right, you better keep that stuff hidden.

Gotcha! Makes for an interesting game setup, in any case.

  1. I think the Reps and Affs stuff is discussed in the Vaylen chapter (or maybe the Circles chapter)?

… I’m not sure. There’s a reference in the Vaylen chapter (page 197) that basically attaches all Circles, reputations, affiliations and relationships to only the host body. It’s specifically stated for use in “Jumping Bodies In Play”, though, so doesn’t define what you get to spend Circles points earned in character creation on. (Stat points earned in lifepaths are specifically tied to the body. But Circles points don’t get mentioned either way.)

… I want to go into more detail about what I’m aiming for and why I need the Circles points (let’s just say that the Child body was not earned easily), but I’m out of online time. :frowning: More later, if I get a chance and there’s interest.

Well then, sounds like there’s no restrictions.