Realm Guard, how to get my hands on it? - and also: repository of hacks?

Hi there!

I’ve recently rediscovered my interest in Mouse Guard (originally a Torchbearer fan), and I’ve known of the Realm Guard hack for a long time. Yet, the sands of time are eroding the bedrock of the internet. And thus, the link to the “latest” Realm Guard pdf here doesn’t work anymore.

Anyone here who knows if Realm Guard v.1.6 is the “final” version of the hack, and a good place to get my hands on it?

(Also, scary to think that all this material just disappears, maybe someone could make an effort and collect it, I don’t know)


I have a copy saved of Realm Guard v1.6; can you meet me on discord: kenmcnay

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Hey, I agree!

The real issue is that the software used to host the collections for long term use becomes rapidly obsolete and is then hacked and hacked and hacked. We just gave up a few years ago.


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I’m glad you at least saved the forums to this place right here!

You at least passed that test. Good job.

Was the Ob high?

We failed it, actually. So to get passed LiR we had to learn new skills and change the situation.

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