I use Obsidian Portal to plan out all of my games no matter the system, and occasionally use Roll20 for web-based game.
The basic premise of my setting is that an ancient and powerful magical civilization dug too deep into the secrets of the arcane, and unleashed a magical calamity that nearly destroyed civilization. Before there was a bustling metropolis of millions; now there are scattered communities built out of the rubble of the past.
This calamity causes the dead to rise at night making it a near death-sentence to be caught out when the sun goes down. It also warped some of the PC races into evil, bloodthirsty beings from goblin-size to giant-size. Finally, it unleashed an earthquake that destroyed or at least seriously damaged most buildings in the Metropolis.
I re-skinned the settlement types from the book. The large settlement is called Rose City, and is only accessible to those with wealth (Resources Ob 4) or influence (Circles Ob 4). It is lead by the Arbiter and his Peacekeeper forces. The Peacekeepers control several other settlements, and employe slaves to man the only farmstead still around, just outside of the Metropolis. They also have several outposts throughout the city, essentially safe points (for a small fee) so the PCs aren’t caught out at night. There are homesteads, which are independent outposts that can also be used as safe points for the PCs for a fee or influential words. Elves live in a swamp in the middle of the Metropolis’ old “Central Park”, and Dwarves live in the tunnels under the city. The “Crossroads” is the primary starting point for adventures, an independent town with its own militia. Finally there is the Cathedral, which is run by a religious group bent on finishing what was started with the Calamity–the destruction of civilization.
Many people pick through the ruins looking for items of value to trade, especially luxury items that can be traded to Rose City for food. That’s what the PCs do.
The general feel I’m trying to get for my game is that there is no “good” left in the world. Everyone is out for themselves. There are no organizations trying to restore freedom and liberty, or trying to help the poor, etc. If the PCs want good in this world, they will have to bring it themselves, and they may not even be thanked for doing so. It is deadly and dark and brutal and some of the PCs SHOULD die.
I’ve been running RPGs since I was 10 back in 1990. I essentially have been running at least twice a month until a year ago, when I took an extended break (I still played regularly). I thought I was going to come back into DMing using D&D 5th edition, and built a campaign around it. However I never pushed it to the point of starting.
Then I saw Torchbearer and immediately changed my whole campaign. This game looks like so much fun!