Running a Game for Kids


I am going to be running a weekly RPG campaign for my son and his friends. We will have a table of 3 to 4 players. I really don’t want to play 5e anymore. Not so much cause of the OGL stuff, but just cause I think there is more to D&D than d&d. So my plan is Burning Wheel.

Starting with Thelon’s Rift adventure from the adventure burner.

Anyone else play BW with kids?

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This sounds like a difficult test with a high ob.

Burning wheel works best with players who are invested in mastery of the system, I am not saying kids couldn’t but it can be a challenge to get the average adult into the the game

There are other games that may be better suited to the young but I guess it depends on the players.

Good luck!

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I guess, but, if you stick to trying to simple tests and bloody versus it isn’t so hard. As far as BITS…if they are adventure focused, like, I will get the treasure! or kill the boss, or whatever that is worth a persona point.
I don’t know.
I am just jonesing for a long form BW campaign with a regular group. It’s a fantasy.

I’ve run lighter things with one of my kids, sort of “BW-adjacent”.

However, I think it depends on their ages (mine was under 10), and where they’re at, investment-wise.

I’d be tempted to have a bunch of pre-gens to get them started - maybe 6 or so, giving them a range of options to pick from.

I’d also be tempted to have fairly straight forward pre-gen concepts (maybe with a little twist in the back there, somewhere).

Depending on what you think they might be interested in, then, for instance, a “fighter” who was once a village guard, or an ex-pilgrim priest, or a neophyte(ish) wizard, who was born on the streets, etc.

I’d angle for solid concepts, but with one Lifepath that gives them a few unusual options and skills?

Then, good ol’ Hub and Spokes to get it all rolling.

I’d then be encouraging, looking for Help / FORKs they can provide, and showing them that a failed dice roll can be cool and interesting.

Making sure to announce the consequence of failure before the roll is great for this! I’d even, depending on the group, point to potential solutions.

e.g. “They’d lock you up in the side room. However, (fellow PC) Big Olaf does have a big hammer, and that wall doesn’t look too thick…”

I always love it when my players start muttering “and now I want to fail - that sounds really interesting!”


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