Dunno if this is a kosher use of this forum. If not, I apologize. I just spent a while doing this and am pretty proud of and happy with it and figured I’d share it here, too:
So I made up a character for a Skype game of Burning Empires I’m going to start (possibly in July) with Daniel, Rachael, Rachel, and Tom. It’s a high tech-index world called the Archipelago, a series of orbital satellites that hovers over the nobility-only pleasure-world of Eden in the Carsigurian Matriarchy. The Archipelago is ruled by a totalitarian democracy (called The Syndicate). Saskia was born in the dirty streets of the Archipelago, was a smuggler by the age of 14, captured, and as punishment was pressed into service on a leaky privateer boat. She hates the government of the Archipelago but loves its people and enjoys violating the laws while operating under a letter of marque from the Syndicate.
Saskia Zubova, Captain of the Bitch Goddess and leader of the Harpy’s Talons privateer crew
Lifepaths: Born to the Streets, Smuggler, Yeoman, Sense Rigger, Pilot, Navigator, First Officer, Ship’s Captain
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Stock: Human
Homeworld: The Archipelago
Stats: Will: 5, Perception: 6, Agility: 5, Speed: 3, Power: 3, Forte: 3
Attributes: Steel: 7 (hesitation 1), Circles: 3, Resources: 7
Physical Tolerances: Superficial: H2, Injured: H3, Maimed: H7, Mortal Wound: H9
Traits: Aloof ©, Cool-Headed (Dt, p. 253), Hazed ©, Human (Dt), Illegal Crucis (Dt, p. 262), Life Under a Different Code (Dt, 3 pts., p. 264), Light Sleeper (Dt, p. 264), Matriarchal ©, Orphan (Dt, p. 268), Owner-Aboard (Dt, p. 269), Privateer (Dt, p. 270), Undeterred (Dt, pp. 275-276), Well-Known (Dt., p. 277)
Skills: Captain-wise (p. 223): 3, Close Combat (pp. 226-227): 3, Command (p. 227): 6, Crew (p. 227): 2, Crew-wise (p. 223): 3, Embargo-wise (p. 223): 3, Falsehood (p. 231): 3, Hammer-wise (p. 223): 3, Helm (p. 233): 3, Interrogation (p. 234): 3, Navigation (p. 237): 3, Persuasion (p. 238): 6, Pilot (p. 239): 6, Regulation-wise (p. 223: 3, Sensors (p. 241): 5, Ship Management (p. 241): 3, Ship-wise (p. 223): 3, Smuggling (p. 242): 4, Spacefarer-wise (p. 223): 3, System-wise (p. 223): 3, Tactics (p. 244): 6, Trade Route-wise (p. 223): 3, Void-wise (p. 223): 3
Technology: The Bitch Goddess (Hammer Patrol Craft): Capacity: 8 crew, passengers, cargo; Profile: 3; Integrity: 8; Control: +1 Ob; Signals: Automation 4; Sensors: Automation 5; Ordinance: Artillery (1); Vehicular Speed: Space 8; Security: Manned; Structural Tolerances: Surface, H14. Breach, V5. Damaged, S10. Destroyed, S12. (p. 556)
Hammer device: Looks like a Mercator, forces Observation and Sensors tests to detect at +3 Ob
Hammer device: Maneuverable, +1 Pilot die
Affiliations and Reputations:
- The Harpy’s Talons—a privateer crew charged with reconning and sometimes engaging threats to the Archipelago, 1D
- Leader of the Harpy’s Talons and Captain of the Bitch Goddess—2D reputation
- Rhianda Vellux: First Officer of the Bitch Goddess and leader of its marines, childhood friend
- Haewon Daiko: Vaylen agent, complicated
- Anwar Daiko: Uneasy alliance as defenders of the Archipelago
1 fate, 1 persona point