Sorcery taxing resources instead of forte

What are the negative (and perhaps positive) externalities of spells taxing resources instead of forte? What I’m aiming for is a magic system that puts an emphasis on crushed diamond powder, alembics, expensive/hard to find ingredients, cost of golden daggers to cultivate rare herbs etc. Relatedly, as has been said in the text and on this board, that magic in BW tends to create wizards with a high forte; what with all the test mongering and all, does it seem reasonable from a verisimilitudinal perspective, that magic would, instead, be a path to riches rather than a strong constitution and would partially explain why some sorcerers would seek out kings and noblemen to council as a way of tapping into their wealth to work their expensive sciences and experiments?

A concrete example is sustaining Turn Aside the Blade, lowering resource until the spell is released instead of forte.

Interesting, if I were to put such things into play I wouldn’t change the spell tax on Forte so much as I would insist upon more Enchanting rather than Sorcery.

That way, the powdered diamonds, golden daggers, rare herbs, ect. become part of the Resource Test to gather ingredients for Alchemy test to distill said ingredients into Potions, Poltrice, and Powders to aide in spell casting in the field.
Perhaps powdered diamonds are the Antecedent to make “Dust of Disappearance” (mimics the Chameleon spell), or expensive herbs must be cultivated a certain way to brew the fabled “Oil of the Blessed Hands”.
If mage-types are required to spend time and money to prepare ahead of time for their adventures by requiring more Enchanting (using the Spell Book option helps) you’ll get those higher resource tests.

Alternatively, you could just add an expendable tool requirement to standard sorcery as sorcerous tools have a rather high obstacle for replacement.