Spell: Aetherial Cuirass

Aetherial Cuirass
The magician draws the aether about him, donning it like mystic armor. Its otherworldly power protects him from material and immaterial harm alike.

[ul][li]Supplies for Aetherial Cuirass: a piece of specially tanned and cured leather.
[/li][li]Lore Master Ob to learn: 3
[/li][li]Scholar Ob to scribe as scroll: 2
[/li][li]Scholar Ob to scribe into traveling spellbook: 2[/ul]
Aetherial Cuirass Factors
Breadth: Self, a touched creature
Duration (one turn free): Two turns, three turns, four turns

Aetherial Cuirass Effect
The caster summons an invisible but tangible field of force around himself or a creature he touches, which protects the target from harm. Treat the target as though wearing leather armor, except the roll may be made any number of times per conflict, and it not only defends against arrows, bolts and spears, but also counts as armor against spell effects such as Eldritch Darts.

What do you folks think?


It’s a very cool spell, but I think it may be a bit too easy. What if you dropped the Duration Factor and went with something like this instead:

Protection: Leather equivalent, Chain equivalent, Plate equivalent
Eldritch Shield: Works on spell effects

The armor lasts for the duration of the adventure phase or until it is damaged. If the caster chooses the leather effect, the Aetherial Cuirass expires after one use (just like leather, which can only be used once in a conflict).

What do you think?

Cool! I haven’t quite gotten the hang of converting the old D&D spells over - mage armor doesn’t have a scaling or variable effect (beyond duration with level), so I didn’t even think about giving the caster the option to boost the protective factor. Thanks! This is going into an upcoming dungeon as loot: a lost spell from the olden days. Oh - I intended it to be First Circle. Does that seem about right?


I think that’s fair. It’s a cool effect but definitely not overpowering.

Note, just in case it’s not clear: I would keep the Breadth factors. You might even make Self free.

Oooh, good idea! OK, here’s the revised version:

Aetherial Cuirass
The magician draws the aether about him, donning it like mystic armor. Its otherworldly power protects him from material and immaterial harm alike.

[ul][li]Supplies for Aetherial Cuirass: a piece of specially tanned and cured leather.
[/li][li]Lore Master Ob to learn: 3
[/li][li]Scholar Ob to scribe as scroll: 2
[/li][li]Scholar Ob to scribe into traveling spellbook: 2[/ul]
Aetherial Cuirass Factors
Breadth (self is free): a touched creature
Protection: As leather armor, as chainmail armor, as plate armor
Eldritch Ward: defends against spell effects

Aetherial Cuirass Effect
The caster summons an invisible but tangible field of force around himself or a creature he touches, which protects the target from harm. The armor lasts for the phase or until it is damaged, whichever comes first. It functions as the chosen armor type in all respects, save that it also defends against spell effects if the caster adds the Eldritch Ward factor.


That’s great, man! I think that my players will find some old, Odieian scroll of Aetherial Cuirass :wink:

Stay cool :cool:

Y’know, I initially read it as “Aetherial Cutlass”…