Splitting pools (Rebuttal, Counterstrike, Bloody Versus) and advancement

Let’s say I’m doing Bloody Versus.
My Sword skill is B4. I split my dice 2-2.
My opponent rolls 3 successes on his attack (and 0 on his defense, why not).

Do I get to count a Challenging Sword test (2 dice vs. Ob 3, for my defense)?

Ditto for actions that tell you to split pools in extended conflicts, like Block & Strike, Counterstrike, Rebuttal, &c.?

I’ve always wondered about this.

I think it would actually be your total dice rolled versus their total successes.

Could be wrong though.

The way I’ve always played it so that you log whichever test is harder, unless you don’t need it, in which case you log the other one.

Hardest test per this post.

This is a slightly different question.

Let me rephrase:

I rolled four dice total for my Sword. But only two of those went to defense. If my opponent got 3 successes on his attack, do I get to count that as 2D vs. Ob 3 or 4D vs. Ob 3 when looking up the test type for advancement?

Seems to be spot on. The thread is about which dice pool to use for advancement, attack or defense. According to Luke’s post, in a Bloody Versus, you take the hardest test. Since you aren’t rolling 4D, but two separate 2D rolls, it’s not 4D. So, 2D vs. Ob 3, assuming that your 2D in Attack are against something less than an Ob 3 defense.


I see your logic and it makes sense to me. That’s how I’m inclined to run it, too.

But I think the quote you’re using doesn’t actually say anything about it either way. I mean, here’s the full sentence:

To me, that’s a statement about how Bloody Versus is a series test and nothing else.

Bloody Versus, Counterstrike, Block and Strike are all a series of tests that happen to use the same skill. Just like in Fight or Duel of Wits, do all the rolls, tally up each roll as it happens for purposes of advancement, and take the hardest.

Specifically, Luke was using Bloody Versus and Counterstrike as non-obvious examples of series tests, not as an exclusive list.

Ahhhhh. Thanks.