I was inspired by Sean Nittner’s Giant Tick, so here’s a classic nasty blighter for you all:
Might: 2
Nature: 2
Nature Descriptors: Blood-sucking, Flying, Swarming
Dispositions: Flee 5, Fight 3, Drive off 2. Capture: Nature + Nature Roll. No others.Fight Weapons: Proboscis (+1D Attack, +1D Feint), Feathered Wings (+1s Maneuver, +1s Defend)
Flee Weapons: Feathered Wings (+1s Attack, +1D Defend)
Armor: None
Instinct: Attack from above!
Special: Blood Drain. Stirges live to impale victims with their needle-sharp proboscises and suck them dry of blood. A successful Attack or Feint indicates a stirge has successfully inserted its proboscis into the acting character’s flesh. Once so attached, the character loses one stone every volley until the stirge is removed (requires 2s of a successful maneuver) or all of that character’s stones have been discarded. Even a warrior, dwarf or halfling with the Stubborn ability can be knocked out of a conflict in this manner.