My wife has put together a set of Tarot cards for me to use in my ongoing MG campaign, and I can’t wait to create a fortune telling NPC for the patrol to encounter. These are hand crafted, large sized cards related to the major arcana, complete with mouse related illustrations (not, however, taken from the comics), and already I’m wondering about the possibility of scanning them & creating a PDF.
I’ve also collected some chestnuts to represent Fate points for the players, adding to my assortment of game accessories. My next game session is scheduled for more than three weeks from now, but I suppose I don’t have any excuse not to prepare an exciting mission in the meantime.
that is pretty sweet, i’m looking for a nice and easy way to make a gm screen, but i’m not quite sure what info should be on the back, any ideas or suggestion would be nice. i scaned the dust jacket of the book and made it larger and lamineted, for map reference will playing, those are some ideas for the game.