The more we play, the more questions about the rules we have


Tuesday, we started our third MG campaign. We discovered some issues that could use clarification.

  1. How do Trait and Maneuver bonuses/penalties apply to Begginer’s Luck roll? Should I aplly them before or after halving my dice from ability, wises, help and gear?

  2. Can we boost the same type of action multiple times when multiple players use the Roleplay weapon of wit?

  3. I’m a little confused by disposition bonuses from the enmity clause rules. What about situations when the player wants to deal with his enemy with a simple versus test? The rules say that „enemies gain +3s to their disposition in arguments and speeches". Shouldn’t there be a bonus to versus tests as well?

  4. Which skills can help in disposition rolls at the beginning of a conflict? Only the skill used in the disposition roll, or maybe all skills listed as suggested help in the Abilities and Skills chapter are allowed?

  5. Is it possible to join a team without helping in disposition roll? What with situations when most or none of the characters have applicable skills? Does each of them have to form a separate one-character team to get any actions in a conflict?

Also, we have had an argue about a compromise, but maybe I will write about it later.

I hope for detailed answers, because we want to be more comfortable with the rules on our next session.

  1. Rewards and traits are not included in the list of elements that are combined and then halved. Thus, you add rewards and traits after you halve for beginner’s luck.

  2. Only the character making the action can use a weapon.

  3. Nope.

  4. This follows the Teamwork rules on page 94. Specifically, “Help is situational: it must make sense to teh players.”

  5. Of course you can be a part of a team and be unable to actually help with disposition. However, the strategically smart thing to do is to let the unskilled player use Nature or Beginner’s Luck to test for dispo. Skilled players then help him. But you can also have players stand outside the conflict and help whomever they can as per the Go Team Dispo rules on page 113.


  1. Clear.I did like this as GM.
  2. With Roleplay we have: If playing in a team, it sticks to that action for the team, not just the character. Is it cumulative? IE: First Action: Player did bonus for roleplay, Action 2: Player has same Action so he has 2 x Roleplay bonus?
    4 If you don’t help on the disposition roll, you’re not on that team. So what? Dispostion roll has no S/F so why not roll Nature only? 4 Nature is beter than 2 Persuader:)
  1. page 120, last sentence of the second Roleplay paragraph. It sticks to one action for the team.

  2. It’s against your Nature. Since this seems to be a loophole, just automatically tax Nature by one if it’s used for dispo rolls against Nature.


This follows the Teamwork rules on page 94. Specifically, “Help is situational: it must make sense to teh players.”

The core of our problem is that the disposition roll isn’t situational. That roll creates mechanical currency but it doesn’t represent anything concrete in the fiction and it doesn’t give me any context to work with. And that’s why we have a problem with applying helping rules in that specific moment of play.

Any suggestions?

P.S. Thanks for your previous answers.

Well, it sounds like it doesn’t make sense to you and therefore you should disallow it.

I understand the role of disposition, why it must be set before conflict and what it means for the rules, but I can’t see what the dispositon represents in the fiction. May I ask how your team cope with that issue when you play Mouse Guard?

Let me ask you about roleplay issue one more time: “Once chosen, the bonus die sticks to that action for the remainder of the argument. If playing in a team, it sticks to that action for the team, not just the character.” - but does it mean that this is possible: Action 1: I roleplay, adding +1 to all subsequent Attack actions in this conflict for the group. Action 2: Player B roleplays, adding +1 to all subsequent Attack actions in this conflict for the group. Action 3: Player C roleplays, adding +1 to all subsequent Attack actions in this conflict for the group. Does everyone in our team has +3 to subsequent Attack actions now?

Dispo is the strength of your argument or position in the fight.

Roleplay applies to the team! Individual players are members of their team, therefore they are subject to the rule: The TEAM gets +1D to one actiontype per conflict