What do mukhadish taste like?

It came up in world burning that there could be a Mc mukhadish burger (100% mukhadish: cheese from mukhadish milk, buns from mukhadish bones, and of course mukhadish meat), as one of the main industrial exports. My instinct was to say that they are slightly higher quality than a Big Mac, cost and taste the same, but I would check with the forums and the Mc mukhadish burgers could at least be a black market item.

So what are your thoughts on the mukhadish burger?

I’ve heard they taste like frog.

My thoughts: You’ve burned a world that deserves to fall. Mukhadish are fully sentient, you know… They’re people. This is some Soylent Green shit, only without even the excuse of overpopulation. If you’re exporting, you can hardly be starving…

Also: That’s an agricultural export, not industrial. Even “factory farming” is still agriculture.

My God, man. A Vaylen delicacy. /shudder


Alternative for those watching their cholesterol intake.

Money line: “It’s like having sex with someone who is wearing a mask with your sister’s face on it.”