I’m not sure if this is the correct place for this, but…
I recently ran a modified version of Delivering the Mail for a small group. Long story short the patrol of 3 mice got split at a certain juncture. The lone mouse decided to attempt to escort Loretta halfway to her destination (this was a modified mission so the locations are different than what is printed in the book). This was a long journey, an ob 3 Pathfinder test. The mouse failed so instituted a Weather Twist - Cold Spring Rain. The mouse failed his Health test and I made him Tired. I opted for Tired rather than Sick because the guardmouse used Rain-wise in his Pathfinder test. Anyways, because of the twist the guardmouse successfully escorted Loretta to the first location, but not all the way to her final destination, and now he was Tired. For the player’s final check he wanted to use Circles to find a guardmouse to help him escort Loretta all the way to her final destination. I thought this was a clever use of Circles, especially since the rest of his patrol were performing other duties, so I said Yes. Successful Circles, new guardmouse, and viola! Now… here’s where I don’t quite understand Circles. The new guardmouse is created, he is amenable to helping because of the successful test, BUT does the Player’s turn end there? or do we proceed with the Pathfinding test to get Loretta to her final destination? Or, does that final test require yet another check?
I opted for letting the player make the Pathfinder test with help from the guardmouse he found via Circles. He ended up succeeding somehow, which is fine. I just don’t know if I gave him a free test or not. In hindsight, starting the GM’s turn with a Pathfinding test to escort Loretta to her final destination would have made for a good mission.
So, that is long winded. Did I do things incorrectly?