What does everyone find to be the best way to do combat?

I find that the 3 scales of combat to work pretty well, I love the rules, I think they’re great, but I tend to just work with the standard task resolution method and the injury rules and use a more loosey-goosey cinematic action system. what does everyone else do.

(If you’re wondering what I do for combat, I give everyone the situation I let the players with the highest steel act first, and then I run attacks as opposed combat rolls the higher succeeds if being attacked and you succeed you dodge/parry, if you attack and you succeed you hit, then I run through the standard injury rules presented towards the back of the core book. I run movement in quick little zones (extreme, far, long, medium, close, short, engaged.) and you can move 1 zone per round, you are allowed to shoot from any of these ranges other than engaged (assuming you have a ranged weapon.) I give one action per round, and when people have cool ideas and stuff I determine what skill/trait they may be using and then let them run with it figuring out the mechanical effects as I go.)

What makes the system you use cinematic?

(This is an earnest question.)

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I like Fight! I tend not to use Bloody Versus. If I’m not Fight-ing, I like to just describe the situation and let tests shift the sitch until it comes to an end. Sometimes that’s a single versus test, other times it’s a Steel test, then Speed to escape, then Brawling to fight out of a corner, then Power to wrestle out of the tie, etc.

Recognize that tests arise out of conflict, which means it’s meaningful that it goes one way or the other, and throw in Let it Ride, and you have everything you need to resolve complex conflicts.

I have been meaning to expand on that system though, maybe incorporate disposition rules like DoW and other BWHQ games, just to have it on paper.

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I love the combat systems, too! I use them as written.


And welcome to the forums!

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I do Fight as written, probably once every 5 - 10 sessions, it is wonderfully written, and the frenetic pace has served my games wonderfully.

We recently had a game where there was a race against time, the players were tryiing to uncover an ancient spell from a temple to a lost deity. The agents of a lich were doing the same. In order to get access to the temple ruins the players said they would kill all the lich’s forces, and all the players had beliefs about it. This is a converted D&D module (Grasp of the Emerald Claw) and because of this I left the numbers intact.

By using Fight as written, the players spent the entire module stressed, upset, and scared. Knowing they had to ambush, skulk, and run in order to deal with thirty mercenaries. By using Fight as written the players ended up stressing about the costs in a way we’ve never done, we felt the fiction. And when they got into a Fight they nearly died, a lot, and they felt the frenetic pace.

The other night, I ran a fight for the same group which used a system similar to yours. It was a fight where no one wanted to hurt each other, so it was designed to be a halting, slow, weird fight where everyone was grappling and yelling in mutually indecipherable languages rather than fighting.

I do agree the Fight system needs practice to get confident in, which I know intimidates some of my table.