So, I’m one of the players and figured I’d just check in…
We had our first session over the weekend, and it went pretty well. Actually, my fellow player managed to resolve all three of his starting Beliefs in one session, which surprised both me and the GM (my PC isn’t the FoN this phase, so I was happy to push some of my agenda a bit less - that plus, in-fiction, I’m finding my feet a bit after a long absence off-world).
I’m a bit less worried re: the power level of the GM FoNs, though that may be because my character is not built for power in the first place, so I’ve got lowered expectations… (I’m the 8LP PC, but I spent years being a Bastard and Sentenced Criminal, and max out at the flavorful but not too crushing Advisor). I’m curious to see, actually, how well it is possible to parlay a sub-optimized character into an effective or at least interesting one (perhaps given that most of my history with BE is as a GM, building very efficient antagonists).
Re: the speed of the maneuvers. I, for one, haven’t been too worried about it - Rachel mentioned on Sat that the issue had come up. But, for context, when I pitched the game to her, I was billing it as “Slow Burning Empires.” The game is tied to getting together with our respective toddlers and hanging out, then playing after they’re in bed. So I suspect many times two maneuvers is going to fall to everyone being tired after chasing a couple kids around playgrounds all day. But on the other hand, that gives us time to get to know the characters and the situation at a more leisurely pace - on the one hand, BE is about urgency, but on the other, it’s long-form makes one advantage (to my mind) being that you can really come to care about the various fictional persons involved, and especially in Infiltration that requires giving them some time to do their thing.
Anyway, we managed to start building a conspiracy, to find out that the Rebel Line are at least as disorganized as my Contender PC, debate the merits of a slave rebellion, and have my Kerrn bodyguard give the other PC’s compound a thorough penetration testing. Hopefully one of us will get around to a write up soonish. Next session, I’m off to try to seduce my Vaylen-infected half sister.