Why isn`t Cook listed under Parent`s Trade option?

… but you can both choose cook under naturally talented and apprentice as a cook… What gives?

The apprentice list also has healer and laborer in addition to cook, none of these are on the parent’s trade list. The parent’s trade list has boatcrafter though, which the apprentice list does not…

Only Luke can say for certain, but I’m pretty sure that’s errata.

So it was a mistake? … Does the same go for the missing Impetuous trait mentioned under Mouse Nature on page 305? And that axe is mentioned as a common weapon on page 35, but not 313?

So it was a mistake? Does the same go for the missing Impetuous trait mentioned under Mouse Nature on page 305? And that axe is mentioned as a common guard’s weapon on page 35, but not 313?

That’s likely.

Ok. That is cool, I hope it’s the case. But how often is Lukewarm here?

Great :slight_smile: How often is Luke here?