Right… I should show you how to add an external link in the wiki.
Ok. Here’s what you do:
First, you put in some open square brackets, also known as the left Bracket.
Ok, next you put in the website address for the hosted bit of stuff, be it picture or document or what have you. I recommend using something like Flickr for the picture, archive.org for the document/podcast/whatever-non-photo-dealie.
I recommend the time honored Copy - Paste, because typing the whole thing out will lead to insanity and self inflicted eye gouging.
For example, a link to my Occulus network, sitting in Flickr.
With me so far? Ok, after you paste that mofo in, press the SPACE BAR ONCE. Why? Well, this link needs some kind of name. The space bar, once pressed, tells the wiki that you’re about to type in a name for this link, that will appear when you click on save.
So after that spacebar, type in a brief title. I’m going to go with Occulus network.
[http://farm1.static.flickr.com/237/519270910_7effaace9c.jpg Occulus Network
Now, the icing on our cupcake. We need to close those square brackets, or it ain’t gonna work. And so we place our second bracket, known as the right bracket. This seals the deal, puts the concluding bread on the top of the sandwich, and puts it to bed.
[http://farm1.static.flickr.com/237/519270910_7effaace9c.jpg Occulus Network]
And so there we have it. An External Link for the wiki. An excellent stop gap until someone with that glorious plus sign can officially add it.