
I’ll brew a poison that will suppress my pulse and respiration for three days to fake my death. With me dead, Leonardo’s men will have no reason to threaten my family. I’ll be buried in the family crypt and my apprentice can open the crypt on the third day and release me. (Rolling Poisons with forks from Alchemy and Herbalism, perhaps.)

A) You potion works perfect, though your lover hears of your death. Overcome with grief she stabs herself in the heart at your graveside, mere moments before you wake.

B) Your plan goes without hit a hitch until your apprentice celebrates it’s success too early and mistakes the basilisk venom in your lab for brandy. Seems he’s paralysed and cannot release you from the crypt. What do ytou do?

Task & Intent: I shall sway the emotions of the bandits with my tale of poverty and woe and convince them to leave my Village in peace [Oratory, forking Village-Wise].

I shall sway the emotions of the bandits with my tale of poverty and woe and convince them to leave my Village in peace [Oratory, forking Village-Wise].

Your speech touches a cord with the bandits, who not only decide to leave your village unmolested, but also go full Robin Hood and start stealing from the rich and giving to the poor; the local duke responds to this by declaring martial law, and having a bunch of the villagers taken in for questioning about the bandits, tortured, and summarily executed as a warning to “anarchist sympathizers”.

Task and Intent: I will steal important documents by disguising myself as a serving girl and sneaking into the home of Vito d’Angelino, head of the powerful Genoa Merchant League (Disguise, linked into Inconspicuous).

I slash at the ropes in an attempt to set the prisoners free

Isn’t this Say Yes under almost all circumstances? It doesn’t take much in the way of skill with a knife to free someone. Maybe if you have to do it instantly with a sword-stroke the failure chance is injuring prisoners.

I shall sway the emotions of the bandits with my tale of poverty and woe and convince them to leave my Village in peace [Oratory, forking Village-Wise].

  1. They’re convinced. You’re even worse off than they! But that means you’re natural allies, and now they intend to use your village as their new base of operations. The good news is they’re not ravaging. The bad news is they’re not leaving you in peace, and now the reave and his men are on their way.

  2. They agree to leave your village alone. Instead they’ll raid the next village over, where your brother lives. Or they’ll wait for your sister’s caravan on its way back. Maybe they’ll simply wait for the king’s tax collectors to come, do the work of robbery for them, and then waylay him, likely getting you taxed twice. You’ve bought a reprieve but not a solution.

Task and Intent: I will steal important documents by disguising myself as a serving girl and sneaking into the home of Vito d’Angelino, head of the powerful Genoa Merchant League (Disguise, linked into Inconspicuous).

  1. (Disguise failure) You make it in, but your disguise is lousy. Every servant you pass can give your description, and will once the theft is discovered.

  2. (Inconspicuous failure) Even serving girls are suspicious when caught where they don’t belong. You’re apprehended with your hand in Vito’s desk drawers.

  3. (Inconspicuous failure) Your disguise works, but the guards still note you and don’t recognize you. Maybe they’re amorous. Maybe they’re willing to wake up the steward to ask when you were hired. How quick are your wits and your tongue?

Repeated Intent/Task: I want to use Conspicuous with a Doctrine FoRK to draw attention to myself as I regale the crowd with fire and brimstone preaching. That will give my sister the distraction to pick some pockets so we can eat tonight.

I shall sway the emotions of the bandits with my tale of poverty and woe and convince them to leave my Village in peace [Oratory, forking Village-Wise].
If you fail, the bandits beat you soundly as an example to the others, inflicting three B4 wounds, and then sack the town, taking pigs and girls where they can’t find coins. Sometimes you have to go with the obvious consequence.

Task and Intent: I will steal important documents by disguising myself as a serving girl and sneaking into the home of Vito d’Angelino, head of the powerful Genoa Merchant League (Disguise, linked into Inconspicuous).
If you fail, the steward corners you in the hall before you find the documents and demands to know just who the hell you are. If you don’t quiet him quickly he’ll have the whole household on you.

I want to use Conspicuous with a Doctrine FoRK to draw attention to myself as I regale the crowd with fire and brimstone preaching. That will give my sister the distraction to pick some pockets so we can eat tonight.
If you fail someone in the crowd is bored with your preaching and sees your sister. The crowd snatches her up and asks you how to punish a thief. It’s stoning, according to the old texts, isn’t it?

New task/intent: Damn, they can’t see me. I’ll scavenge the tower for the materials to make a simple kite and fly the kite to signal the troops outside the castle that I’ve unlocked the postern gate so they will attack.

Damn, they can’t see me. I’ll scavenge the tower for the materials to make a simple kite and fly the kite to signal the troops outside the castle that I’ve unlocked the postern gate so they will attack.

If you fail, the young prince sees the kite out his window, and he tracks down it’s source. When he stumbles upon you, you let go of the kite in surprise, and a gust of wind catches the kite and carries it off into a tree. What do you do now? Leave the boy alive to raise the alarm? Perhaps convince him that you mean no harm and recruit him to help you retrieve the kite?

New task/intent: My group is traveling through a mountain-pass, when we hear guttural speech around a bend. I sneak up and see two trolls, the nasty kind that don’t turn to stone in the daylight. My dwarven companion identifies a rocky overhang just above the trolls. I want to plant a firebomb on the rock ledge, so it collapses on the trolls and we can get around them, without a physical altercation.

Task/intent: My group is traveling through a mountain-pass, when we hear guttural speech around a bend. I sneak up and see two trolls, the nasty kind that don’t turn to stone in the daylight. My dwarven companion identifies a rocky overhang just above the trolls. I want to plant a firebomb on the rock ledge, so it collapses on the trolls and we can get around them, without a physical altercation.
The Dwarf hands up your gear once you’ve climbed to a higher ledge. You successfully sneak over the the outcrop, place the charge and light the… oh, bother, seems Fili has handed you the fast fuse by mistake. Roll a DoF for each of you and the two Trolls.

New Task/Intent Fair Marion, my love, is asleep in her tent in the nobles quater of the tourney field with only a single guard and her aging nanny guarding her chastity. I shall steal some appropriate clothes and walk nonchalantly through the camp until I can safely sneak to her side to pitch my woo.

(Pun intented)

Let’s see… inconspicuous and seduction, right?

[ul][li]You make it into the tent, and find her bundled in her blankets… and when she rolls over, you find it’s actually her nanny! Who now is totally in love with you for your golden words!
[/li][li]You sneak in, just in time to stop the sheriff from committing rape upon her. He spots you.
[/li][li]You sneak in, she listens, caresses your codpiece, stops, stares, points, and laughs, attracting the attention of the guard.
[/li][li]You get just short of the tent, and see her being led off by a dozen of the Sheriff’s men.
[/li][li]You enter the Sheriff’s tent by accident. He’s having quality time with Rosy Palms… and is quite irate at the interruption!
[/li][li]She’s in, and almost alone… but Fr. Edward’s there to hear her confession. And she confesses her feelings for both you and the deputy of the Sheriff.
[/li][li]You sneak in, and she’s simply gone. A hasty search turns up that she’s snuck out the back, looking for you![/ul]
New Task/Intent: You’ve been overheard AFTER you made it in. Get the both of you out of there!

My group is traveling through a mountain-pass, when we hear guttural speech around a bend. I sneak up and see two trolls, the nasty kind that don’t turn to stone in the daylight. My dwarven companion identifies a rocky overhang just above the trolls. I want to plant a firebomb on the rock ledge, so it collapses on the trolls and we can get around them, without a physical altercation.
It explodes, but you didn’t plant it in the right spot. It shakes some stones loose, enough to agitate the trolls. Oh look, all of you are standing right there, a handy target for anger-venting.

Fair Marion, my love, is asleep in her tent in the nobles quater of the tourney field with only a single guard and her aging nanny guarding her chastity. I shall steal some appropriate clothes and walk nonchalantly through the camp until I can safely sneak to her side to pitch my woo.
In your haste, the only clothing you are able to snatch is a lacy shift hanging on a laundry line. Turns out it’s one of Marion’s shifts. Good luck in your wooing; she thinks you look hilarious.

You’ve been overheard AFTER you made it in. Get the both of you out of there!
Choose: either you make it out, or she does. Either way, both of y’alls clothes have to be left behind in the tent.

New Task/Intent: I will distract the Boss from breaking my cousin Robard’s legs by telling an uproarious joke.

My group is traveling through a mountain-pass, when we hear guttural speech around a bend. I sneak up and see two trolls, the nasty kind that don’t turn to stone in the daylight. My dwarven companion identifies a rocky overhang just above the trolls. I want to plant a firebomb on the rock ledge, so it collapses on the trolls and we can get around them, without a physical altercation.
You were clever and targeted an unstable ledge. Very unstable. It collapses as soon as you edge onto it to plant the bomb, sending you and the bomb tumbling into the laps of the trolls. Oops.

Fair Marion, my love, is asleep in her tent in the nobles quater of the tourney field with only a single guard and her aging nanny guarding her chastity. I shall steal some appropriate clothes and walk nonchalantly through the camp until I can safely sneak to her side to pitch my woo.
It turns out strange men sneaking into her tent at night aren’t appealing. Marion shrieks and starts fumbling for her knives. The nanny is much sprier when laying about with a camp stool than you would have guessed. The guard bursts in and notes that you’re in stolen garb. Forget wooing; how are you going to escape the hangman?

You’ve been overheard AFTER you made it in. Get the both of you out of there!
This one needs a task, not just an intent. But if you try to take a hostage, you get a knife in the ribs. If you try to start a commotion, you accidentally start a riot or a fire. You become separated on the way out and now you have to find Marion.

I will distract the Boss from breaking my cousin Robard’s legs by telling an uproarious joke.
The Boss doesn’t like the gravitas of his justice being upstaged by some yahoo and your ruse is utterly transparent. You’re next on the docket for some charming mob justice.

My group is traveling through a mountain-pass, when we hear guttural speech around a bend. I sneak up and see two trolls, the nasty kind that don’t turn to stone in the daylight. My dwarven companion identifies a rocky overhang just above the trolls. I want to plant a firebomb on the rock ledge, so it collapses on the trolls and we can get around them, without a physical altercation.
The rocks collapse on the other side of the trolls, blocking the mountain pass. The trolls notice, of course, and though they haven’t seen your group hiding behind a rock, they’re on the lookout.

Fair Marion, my love, is asleep in her tent in the nobles quater of the tourney field with only a single guard and her aging nanny guarding her chastity. I shall steal some appropriate clothes and walk nonchalantly through the camp until I can safely sneak to her side to pitch my woo.
On failure, you don’t notice her kid sister following curiously behind you.
You’ve been overheard AFTER you made it in. Get the both of you out of there!
On failure, you are both forced to hide in a manure pile.

I will distract the Boss from breaking my cousin Robard’s legs by telling an uproarious joke.
If you fail, the joke is indeed hilarious, but it doesn’t distract the Boss - and now Robard’s furious at you for taking so cavalier an attitude toward his plight, laughing and joking while he was suffering and screaming.

Here’s the new one:
Climb along the rusty metal rungs lining the bottom of the Airborne Castle, while it remains hovering miles above the ground, in order to get to the single, tiny barred window that looks in on the treasury and see if the third Glorybell lies inside.

You’ve been overheard AFTER you made it in. Get the both of you out of there! [by leaping on some nearby horses]
If you fail you’re overtaken by the sheriff and his men and captured. You are thrown in prison to await your trial and Marion, her reputation ruined, is sent to a convent.

I will distract the Boss from breaking my cousin Robard’s legs by telling an uproarious joke.
If you fail, the boss senses your intent and your relationship to your cousin and decides to teach you a lesson about interfering with his work by breaking Robard’s hands, too. Poor guy. How’s he going to pay his debt now?

Climb along the rusty metal rungs lining the bottom of the Airborne Castle, while it remains hovering miles above the ground, in order to get to the single, tiny barred window that looks in on the treasury and see if the third Glorybell lies inside.
If you fail your arms and legs start turning to jelly long before you can reach the window. You can turn back in time to reach the hatch before you fall, but you won’t be able to stand or grip your sword for a while and the servants might find you lying there.

If you fail the wind below the castle is stronger than you thought and it buffets you severely. You can cling to the ladder and clamber back into the hatch, but not before the wind snatches some of your equipment away and sends it spiraling down to the land below.

New task/intent: I want to use the Round of Harvest to crossbreed thorny brambles and stinging nettles and make a truly awful, tough, and fast-growing plant that we can plant all around the tower where we chained the beast to keep people out.

Climb along the rusty metal rungs lining the bottom of the Airborne Castle, while it remains hovering miles above the ground, in order to get to the single, tiny barred window that looks in on the treasury and see if the third Glorybell lies inside.
You quickly realize you’re not as strong as you thought. You have to drop some of your kit to avoid falling yourself. Once unburdened you can make it through.

You aren’t strong enough and fall flailing for a terrifying moment before catching yourself on a chain. You drag yourself to safety, but now you don’t even know where you are in the castle. (For bonus points, drop some equipment here too!)

New task/intent: I want to use the Round of Harvest to crossbreed thorny brambles and stinging nettles and make a truly awful, tough, and fast-growing plant that we can plant all around the tower where we chained the beast to keep people out.
You breed an apparently wicked weed, but a simple, common ointment will prevent its sting and the thorns become blunted and entirely harmless in just a few short years. It seems effective, but it isn’t.

Your brambles succeed. They succeed magnificently. They succeed in escaping your test gardens and overrunning the outskirts of the Citadel. Now the Althing is annoyed to have to deal with the mess you’ve caused and the gardeners are crying that the ancient kellsbloom vines are being choked to death by your foul creation.

New intent/task: While all the courtiers spew their pretty, poison lies in the queen’s ear, I will storm the court in my bloodied war garb and tell her the Ugly Truth: if more men are not sent to the border, and soon, we cannot hold back the Orcs. All the politicking here means nothing when you’re all spitted on their crooked blades, and no maneuvering or clever words will turn the unending Hate of the Black Legion. Make these simpering fops take up arms and reinforce my beleaguered men!

Aargh, my token expired.

Climb along the rusty metal rungs lining the bottom of the Airborne Castle, while it remains hovering miles above the ground, in order to get to the single, tiny barred window that looks in on the treasury and see if the third Glorybell lies inside.

  1. Turns out the barred window is shuttered on the inside.
  2. The Guardian Monkeys in the Treasury attack you as you look inside the window. You can’t get a good look in as their paws claw at your face.

I want to use the Round of Harvest to crossbreed thorny brambles and stinging nettles and make a truly awful, tough, and fast-growing plant that we can plant all around the tower where we chained the beast to keep people out.

You breed not the thorny bramble you require, but a ground hugging soft leafed herb that is soporific when smoked… alas, your beast is allergic to the pollen and too miserable and stuffed up in the nose to me much use at anything.

While all the courtiers spew their pretty, poison lies in the queen’s ear, I will storm the court in my bloodied war garb and tell her the Ugly Truth: if more men are not sent to the border, and soon, we cannot hold back the Orcs. All the politicking here means nothing when you’re all spitted on their crooked blades, and no maneuvering or clever words will turn the unending Hate of the Black Legion. Make these simpering fops take up arms and reinforce my beleaguered men![/QUOTE]

  1. The Queen swoons at the sight of blood, and a dozen courtiers pull their little court swords to take you on, the guard are on their way.
  2. The natural misaprehension of the Palace Guard results in you being Dogpiled, Chained and led to the chambers of the Captain of the Royal Guard, who will atend you once court is out of session.
  3. The Orc ambassador is at court, suing for peace, claiming his forces can scarce take the beating you are handing out. Seems the Orcs play politics too. DoW to convince the Queen.

New Task/Intent Though I’ve only studies the basics of the spell [passed first training], I shall summon forth energy and cast Whitefire at the Troll that pursues the Dukes daughter. (Sorcery)

I want to use the Round of Harvest to crossbreed thorny brambles and stinging nettles and make a truly awful, tough, and fast-growing plant that we can plant all around the tower where we chained the beast to keep people out.
The plant you breed doesn’t grow well in this climate. Unless carefully tended by a skilled gardener, it all dies off within three days. Of course, not many gardeners are interested in constantly risking being pricked by the venomous nettles just to keep the wretched plant alive…

While all the courtiers spew their pretty, poison lies in the queen’s ear, I will storm the court in my bloodied war garb and tell her the Ugly Truth: if more men are not sent to the border, and soon, we cannot hold back the Orcs. All the politicking here means nothing when you’re all spitted on their crooked blades, and no maneuvering or clever words will turn the unending Hate of the Black Legion. Make these simpering fops take up arms and reinforce my beleaguered men!
The “simpering fops” take offense at your words and you are challenged to a duel. Using the special rules of court fencing, which have little to do with the skills that help you survive on the front line. The queen won’t listen to anyone who would be dishonorable enough to not meet the challenge.

Though I’ve only studies the basics of the spell [passed first training], I shall summon forth energy and cast Whitefire at the Troll that pursues the Dukes daughter. (sorcery)
You unleash waves of terrible, crackling energy in all directions. I wonder what the Duke will think when they find the charred and blackened corpse of his daughter?

You crack the ethereal boundary that holds back the fire. It will continue pouring through this rift until a proper wizard figures out how to deal with it.

The magical energy that is unleashed catches the attention of the Council of Thaumaturgy, They’ll be wanting to know who you are, what you think you’re doing, and why you haven’t applied for a license.

New task/intent:
I will use ditch-digging to reroute the baron’s cesspool into his cellar. That’ll teach him not to make fun of my pet gerbil!

While all the courtiers spew their pretty, poison lies in the queen’s ear, I will storm the court in my bloodied war garb and tell her the Ugly Truth: if more men are not sent to the border, and soon, we cannot hold back the Orcs. All the politicking here means nothing when you’re all spitted on their crooked blades, and no maneuvering or clever words will turn the unending Hate of the Black Legion. Make these simpering fops take up arms and reinforce my beleaguered men!
If you fail, Lumpypants the jester mocks you mercilessly, repeating each dark pronouncement and plea for troops in a whiny coward’s voice. The courtiers recover from the shock of your warlike appearance and then laugh and laugh. The queen can’t help you, and you gain a 1D infamous reputation as a coward, which applies at court.

Though I’ve only studies the basics of the spell [passed first training], I shall summon forth energy and cast Whitefire at the Troll that pursues the Dukes daughter. (sorcery)
If you fail, nothing seems to happen at first. Then the troll, looking puzzled, belches forth an oily sheet of flame. It seems you’ve created a fire-breathing troll and he’s about to barbecue the duke’s little girl.

I will use ditch-digging to reroute the baron’s cesspool into his cellar. That’ll teach him not to make fun of my pet gerbil!
If you fail, you dig the ditch as planned but the baron and his cook catch you covered in filth and admiring your handiwork and the baron bursts out laughing, calling up the stairs that the gerbil guy is down here covered in shit. Now clean it up, gerbil guy, and where’s your stupid little friend?

I’ll use Read to peruse the papers we took from the captured messenger. If you don’t already know what they are, can I declare that they include a letter from the king to the bishop, saying that he’s sending the grail to the abbey as a sign of his piety? It will be easier to steal the grail from an abbey full of monks than from a castle full of knights.

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Though I’ve only studies the basics of the spell [passed first training], I shall summon forth energy and cast Whitefire at the Troll that pursues the Dukes daughter. (sorcery)
You conjure something. It’s pale, and there’s fire. It destroys the troll and leaves the duke’s daughter alone. But it also goes leaping off into the countryside. What have you unleashed?

I will use ditch-digging to reroute the baron’s cesspool into his cellar. That’ll teach him not to make fun of my pet gerbil!
Your work collapses on you and you are a laughingstock. Oh, and you’re fined or imprisoned for attempted damage of baronial property.

I’ll use Read to peruse the papers we took from the captured messenger. If you don’t already know what they are, can I declare that they include a letter from the king to the bishop, saying that he’s sending the grail to the abbey as a sign of his piety? It will be easier to steal the grail from an abbey full of monks than from a castle full of knights.
You find said documents. What you miss is that he’s also pledged to found the Watchful Order of St. Reyen, who will stand guard in rotation over the relic. The monks are no threat, but the half company of devout knights you aren’t expecting will be!

i wish to use Torture, and FoRK in Intimidation for that matter, on the rebel leaders we captured. They have nothing in particular we need to hear, but seeing their comrades mewling and broken should break the spirits of the remaining insurgents and end this nonsense before another province rises up against their rightful king.

I will use ditch-digging to reroute the baron’s cesspool into his cellar. That’ll teach him not to make fun of my pet gerbil!
You grow weary whilst ditch-digging, and collapse in a pile of crap, where you are found, on the baron’s property.

I’ll use Read to peruse the papers we took from the captured messenger. If you don’t already know what they are, can I declare that they include a letter from the king to the bishop, saying that he’s sending the grail to the abbey as a sign of his piety? It will be easier to steal the grail from an abbey full of monks than from a castle full of knights.
You don’t notice the bit where it’s subtly noted that the grail will be coming through by next summer, certainly not immediately. Good luck searching for something that isn’t there yet.

I wish to use Torture, and FoRK in Intimidation for that matter, on the rebel leaders we captured. They have nothing in particular we need to hear, but seeing their comrades mewling and broken should break the spirits of the remaining insurgents and end this nonsense before another province rises up against their rightful king.
Your brutal methods cause the insurgency to rise with an even greater fury, and they begin to gain traction.

New Intent: I want to scare away the roving bands of thieves who are harassing my village.
New Task: Use Soldiering to drill the villagers in impressive-looking combat formations and maneuvers.

I’ll use Read to peruse the papers we took from the captured messenger. If you don’t already know what they are, can I declare that they include a letter from the king to the bishop, saying that he’s sending the grail to the abbey as a sign of his piety? It will be easier to steal the grail from an abbey full of monks than from a castle full of knights.

You are quite right, but if only weeks were days and days were hours… you fail to consider that the King and Bishop only corespond in code, and completely miss the real content of the letter.

I wish to use Torture, and FoRK in Intimidation for that matter, on the rebel leaders we captured. They have nothing in particular we need to hear, but seeing their comrades mewling and broken should break the spirits of the remaining insurgents and end this nonsense before another province rises up against their rightful king.

Lieutenant Guir hates the priesthood for undisclosed reasons of his own, so he of course selects the Priest from the leaders in the holding cells to make an example of; Seems the pleading cries of this priest do NOT fall on deaf ears and his god intervenes in a major way, causing the walls of your fortifications to turn to chalk so the prisoners might easily escape, and your enemies easily assault your fortifications. Might be time to visit your cousins in neighbouring nations.

I want to scare away the roving bands of thieves who are harassing my village, I use Soldiering to drill the villagers in impressive-looking combat formations and maneuvers.

Damn me if you don’t turn several of your village labourers into an effective fighting force within two week. The men search out the bandits in the hills as ask to join them… after all, it beats digging ditches.

New Task/Intent I need to smuggle these weapons and drugs to Vincenzo in the old quater; I’ll wait until the thoroughly corrupt Sergeant Corazon is on duty and negotiate a deal to get them through the plague barricades the Baron had installed. (Circles)

New Intent: I want to scare away the roving bands of thieves who are harassing my village.
New Task: Use Soldiering to drill the villagers in impressive-looking combat formations and maneuvers.

You’re very impressive. The bandits realize that an effective fighting force is something to deal with now, not later, and attack in force! If only you’d started with useful weapon drills!

New Task/Intent I need to smuggle these weapons and drugs to Vincenzo in the old quater; I’ll wait until the thoroughly corrupt Sergeant Corazon is on duty and negotiate a deal to get them through the plague barricades the Baron had installed. (Circles)
Corazon might be rotten to the core but there are some lines he won’t cross. Or let you cross. Seems his mother died of plague and he’s terrified of the quarantine getting broken. Plus the baron’s paying good silver of his own to catch smugglers.

I will use Playwright to create a masque in honor of the visiting prince. If he’s impressed I’ll get his patronage and be able to get out of this backwater. It’s important enough that I’d better link in a Circles test to see if I can bring in a master set designer.

New Intent: I want to scare away the roving bands of thieves who are harassing my village.
New Task: Use Soldiering to drill the villagers in impressive-looking combat formations and maneuvers.

If you fail, the villagers’ attendance is spotty and their drills look ragged to you, but you’ve instilled them with a false sense of martial pride and they’re eager to take the fight to the bandits. Luis and Bruno are rounding up thirty or so young fathers, brothers, and sons to hike out into the hills and put the bandits to the sword. Or to the flail and pitchfork, anyway. Are you going to go with them?

If you fail, the bandits learn about the drills and strike the outlying farmsteads while the men are on the village green beating drums and stomping around in formation. Grief-stricken husbands blame you for the rape of their wives and the seizure of their livestock and savings.

New Task/Intent I need to smuggle these weapons and drugs to Vincenzo in the old quater; I’ll wait until the thoroughly corrupt Sergeant Corazon is on duty and negotiate a deal to get them through the plague barricades the Baron had installed. (Circles)
Okay, roll, and fork in Resources. Corazon will take the bribe either way, and he’ll let you into the old quarter but if you fail he won’t let you out again.

I will use Playwright to create a masque in honor of the visiting prince. If he’s impressed I’ll get his patronage and be able to get out of this backwater. It’s important enough that I’d better link in a Circles test to see if I can bring in a master set designer.
If you fail, the prince takes the play to be a satire against himself. Something about the villain in the piece reminds him of something he’s done that shamed him, and he storms out in the second act, humiliated. His enemies approach you, asking how you so incensed him.

If you fail the play is well-received, but afterward everyone is talking about the magnificent sets and not about the characters or the drama. The prince invites the set designer to his dinner table, giving you only a nod. The set designer turns to you to express his joy and thankfulness for the opportunity you gave him. How do you react?

New task/intent: I will Command some of my men to dress as savages, take up stone-tipped arrows, and kill Father Aethelmere and his deacons on the road as he returns to his parish tonight. The secret of my wife’s witchcraft will die with him, and later I can gain favor with the church by sacking some savage villages.