Preorders Sold Out!

The people who will be disappointed to not get the game for $15 are going to be disappointed either way but those of who are willing to pay a little extra will be disapointed if the preorder is cancelled entirely. Seems like there’s less net-disapointment if you just increase the price. As a UK resident the book always costs less than the shipping + customs charge even at full price, so paying an extra $10 isn’t really the biggest deal.

15$, 25$, 35$, whatever… as long as it stays available the time I can actually order it.
Got the email in the night (Europe here) and by the time I got there: sold out.


You’ve just got to get the price back up to where it’s sustainable! Speaking for myself, I’m just gleeful to see it back in stock.

Udo: having managed to snag a preorder, I have to say that the EU shipping option was… painful. However, I do have a sealed BWG of the previous printing, if you’d like me to send it to you?

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thanks so much for the offer, Mark, but I have got all the previous editions of BW… Actually I have got litteraly everything ever produced by the BWHQ… including Freemarket :wink:
I’ll cope with the EU shipping fee by adding printed versions of Middamark, Stone Mountain and Void.
Gotta be a completist ! :smirk:

I would make sure that there is not a "no more available’ anymore, if that means higher prices so be it. To be honest some of us (like me) have felt starved for burning wheel for quite some time. It is also hard to get people around me interrested to play if they can’t get the books.

Might I add, getting the forum up and running again really made my day yesterday. bye bye isolation. on behalve of the burning wheel deprived we thank you. (yeah I missed you guys :slight_smile:)


Luke, I DEMAND THE RIGHT to purchase this book ASAP at a price point that DELIVERS UNBELIEVABLE PROFIT to BWHQ!

I’m thrilled to see the reprint and will pay $25- NAY, $35!!, for the luxury of securing my very own Piece Of History. <3


There’s something I don’t get, were you selling the book at $15 at a loss? Or how was it planned out? How large was the printing?

Please print more. We’ve been thinking about how to minimize shipping cost to Europe, so there’s a bunch of us who missed the preorder because of that.

Same here from South America. Shipping fees for one book can match the price of a single $35 copy.

I could have got one but passed up the opportunity. I’ll get one when they’re distributed. There’s too much happening in my life right now to even sit and read it again.

Edit: Oh, the Burning Wheel buzz might have helped sell the last 4 tickets for The Gift that I’m running at UK Games Expo. :slight_smile:


I know it’s far from perfect, but current printings of BWG are available from Leisure Games in the UK, and Philibert in France, if that helps anyone?

I agree with all the poster that a pre-order, regardless of price, is better than no pre-order.

As an aside had I knew it was such a limited quantity I would have pre-order right away but was waiting for some buddies to decided if they wanted their copies and order all together.

I guess I get 1 Persona for going against one of my Traits (compulsive buyer). :smiley:


I can’t believe it! I was about to make a preorder like, 15 hours ago, when I thought “hey, let’s check my contacts, we could split shipping prices” (50$ to ship to europe for a single book). I got two guys interested, I come back… And it’s sold out. I’m so sad, but I can see I’m not the only one. :frowning:

Congrats! :slight_smile:

Up the price. We’ll all pay it anyway. If everybody’s BWG copy is as worn and beat-up as mine is, we’ll all be happy to pick up a newly revised edition.


I, like many who’ve already posted, would be happy to preorder at an increased price.

$25? Sure!
Full price of $35, also fine.

I’m privileged enough to be able to make the choice, but perhaps there are some folks that an extra $10-20 is not feasible…

Just ordered a couple and started calling friends afterwards. That usualy helps

My believe “must buy every publication by Luke “the man” crane, regardless of cost” was challenged by a resource roll (creditcard issues) but I got it out in the nick of time.

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Would a $10 credit toward other products offered with the preorder be unsustainable?

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It seems to be available again, this time at $25.

Order mine. Now to try to be patient.

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I would be completely transparent about the situation and then offer to open the preorders again but at whatever price makes sense for keeping the company going.

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Just order mine at $25. I tried to order more but preorder limit one.:heavy_minus_sign:

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