Preorders Sold Out!

I got mine! I’m very happy I was able to get in on the 2nd pre-order.

Hi everyone, just wanting to post an update here~

As many of you have noticed we reopened pre-orders, this time another 500 at $25. Here’s the link if you’re in need:

Thank you all for your patience and understanding!
Geoff and Luke


Just placed mine. Can’t wait to get that shiny new book.

Thanks for making this available Luke and Geoff.


Can we have a list of the specific updates so those of us who already own a copy can evaluate if it’s worth the buy?

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This is what’s listed in the promotional email.

" BWHQ decided that we should fix all known errata. But even that wasn’t enough. They cracked their whips and demanded we address weak rules, inconsistencies and repetitive junk. I agreed to nearly all of the changes, but my one condition was that we couldn’t rewrite the book—the pagination had to remain the same. Rewriting everything means new layout. Which is death. Working within these limitations, we managed to make many fixes and tweaks. We even added rules for creating your own traits and rebalanced Elven Grief."


I’m guessing the content of the Codex will still be consistan with the Revised version of the rules.

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2 x $15 preorder books with shipping to Antipodes = AU$96

Duel of Wits with BWHQ.

Point: Your prices are reasonable, but could be lowered somewhat.

Dismiss: Gah! But the shipping to the UK is beyond my resources (B1). I cannot and will not abide by these terms!

Stand and Drool: (dumbfounded, I dream about the sacred golden book. Drool pooling upon the floor).

In all seriousness, I would buy whatever you put out! So I once again, failed my Greed roll and bought it anyway.

Oh well, we don’t have a local distributor here so I guess I will take the Gift of Kindness and wear the Tax for shipping.


Honestly, if the numbers were limited for the pre-order, it should have been stated as such in the email. I saw the email, was excited, but held off to when I had time to actually order it. Had I known, I would have ordered it on the spot. What’s an extra $10? If you are not in the US and shipping costs another $25, then this book becomes a $50 revision. (Or about $65 in Canadian Funds)

This means, I sadly will have to PASS on this… I’m a bit disappointed but it is what it is.

You know what I would love though? A comprehensive document (PDF) that details the changes / revisions between the original Gold book and this one. That will hold me out until the book shows up locally my FLGS later this year.


I am the local distributor for our crew :wink:

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A kilo is a thousand grams, it’s easy to remember.

First off, it’s great to be here, and doubly great that I can use my original name… You did a good deed, making the books available again at $25. Thanks much! I look forward to perusing the latest edition, and burning up my next incarnation…


You are awesome. And what an amazing game.

Cheers and thanks.

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Hi BWHQ, love the idea of the new edition, bought one immediately.

As many others have said: I’m happier putting dollars in BWHQ’s pockets, than shipping companies.

I know this may be a logistical clusterfuck, so I understand if you say “We’re a small company, Chris. This is in no way practicable.”

Is there any way of lumping orders (that have already been placed) that are going to the same city together in order to save on shipping? I believe (for instance) @Trithemius and I live in the same city. Apparently, there are a few of us here with orders.

As others have said, for those of us in Europe, the sending costs are killer; while I have the cash, I can literally buy another book at regular price for the shipping cost, and thus, I’m hesitating on jumping in at 25 dollars (since the sending cost is 35 dollars). Is there any chance in the future, when it’s out of preorder, that it’ll ship at a better price? Otherwise, I think I’ll sadly wait until an FLGS has it in Germany or he U.K. (well, I HOPE that’ll still be an option later…).

Which is all to say: I love BW; I’d like to be able to get it without feeling like I’m paying weregeld.

Hi y’all,
Thanks for the understanding. Sorry we had to pivot there and up the price. But if we sold this entire run of BW at $15, we wouldn’t have enough left over cash to reprint, pay our bills, pay our taxes, pay royalties, attend cons and invest in future projects. We tried selling BW at $15 and $25 for years, and we couldn’t make it work. But I wanted to offer you all a special price for your years of loyalty.

Regarding shipping: It will never get cheaper. It will only get more expensive.

Regarding international distribution: We have no reliable international distributor. We are too small a shop to get picked up by Esdevium, Ulisses Spiel or Pegasus Spiel. So any books that make their way to Europe or beyond will be shifting through channels we have no input into.


How about taking all the pre-orders and checking with the printer to see what you COULD offer it or at cost? That way, no need to bankrupt the company or yourself nor would you have to change pruices offering more than one price.

For those fateful 500 who got in first, would they be willing to pay the additional amount same as everyone? If not, then 2-tier pricing.

Personally, I am prepared to forgive a lot if you are planning to revise and re-print “Blossoms are Falling” in the foreseeable future.

Is there any way to get a detail of the updates from BWG? I just got it not so long ago and I would want to save the money if possible. It might not seem like a lot, but it is to me. Will the changes be available as an errata pdf for BWG owners?

Glad I grabbed two copies at $15 a piece, what a steal, uh, I mean deal.