Prologue Recover

Probably a really simple question, but since the player who does a prologue at the beginning of a session can recover a condition (hungry/thirsty, angry, afraid, or exhausted) does that follow the normal “conditions recovered in order rule”? Or can they just choose?

I’m assuming since they’re not actually trying a recovery roll they can just decide which one to recover, but I wasn’t sure which way to go.

Along the same lines: Does a healer treating someone’s injury or sickness also supercede the normal recovery order? Again, I’m guessing so, but nice to know for sure.

Treating an injury or sickness is not a recovery roll, so it can go out of order. I believe this was addressed specifically in another thread, so I have it on good authority :slight_smile:

Not sure about prologue recover. I’m inclined to believe you interpretation but I’d have to check if there’s any fine print in the Prologue section.

Edit: On page 58, it says that if you choose to recover a condition it has to be in the order listed on your character sheet. So if you are hungry and thirsty you have to pick that as your option.

jovialbird is way ahead of me.

Ha, totally skipped that next paragraph under prologue.

And the moral of the story is to eat your veggies so that you can recover more important conditions.

“Veggies”. Ha! I have a feeling that my players’ characters will all be on liquid diets, since drinking from your flask works at least as well as consuming rations.

But every dose of liquid takes one pack spot. Meanwhile you can cook one fresh ration to feed the entire group.

You don’t even need to cook it. Just one slot of rations will still feed two or three characters.

While that is technically correct (which is the best kind of correct), my group is mostly a bunch of lushes. I would not put it past at least one of them to have an instinct such as “never eat a veggie, that’s what my food eats”.

But more seriously, you make a good point. I was not really considering the fact that a fresh ration effectively “stacks”, with a successful cook test.

This does get me interested in seeing how my group approaches cooking. I’m wondering if some bad luck and a few initially failed tests leading to sick, angry, etc., would lead any groups into eschewing cook tests altogether.

No way! Isn’t cooking the point of having a halfling around?

This raises the question, can you cook while adventuring or do you have to do it in camp with checks? I suppose you could but at the cost of a turn, essentially only leaving you with 3 turns per meal break and assuming you aren’t too rushed to cook…

It seems like most uses of the cooking skill are likely to be done while in camp. However, I could see how it would be possible (with some creativity) to have a conflict which involves cooking. I mean, the Food Channel has cooking challenges all the time, why not us?

I’m just picturing stopping for lunch… you aren’t really setting up a full camp, and nobody is really spending checks or setting up tents or anything. You just make a quick fire and heat up some soup. Doesn’t seem unreasonable… though I suppose usually stopping for lunch means pulling out some preserved rations and munching on your trail mix as you walk, but then that wouldn’t take a turn would it?

edit: also, this is a completely different conversation now, my bad

When we were out at Castle Erobring, we drank nothing but rainwater for weeks. Beren was sick for months after that. Fortunately, I started that adventure sick, so I couldn’t get any sicker!


PS this is in the running for my favorite thread to date.
PPS cooking is a camp activity. Come on.

By the letter of the rules, you could - if you’re sick, something that could make you sick can instead make you dead…

See page 78:

Additionally, while sick, a character is at risk. At his discretion,
the GM may apply the dead condition to any sick character as
the result of a failed test involving sickness, disease, poison,
madness or grief. The GM is obligated to inform the player
that death is on the line before the player rolls the dice.

Whomever was GMing was being nice, or the wording above wasn’t yet fixed… :slight_smile:

You see that, Thor? Aramis called you a nice GM. The truth is out there, my friend.

I’ve always maintained that I’m a nice GM. It’s only my players that say I’m the devil incarnate.

“Death is a mercy”?

I could certainly live with that. It doesn’t seem like it would take more time or leave you as any more of a sitting duck than filling in a ten foot deep pit trap with dirt using a laborer test, but I suppose it’s a more leisurely type of activity. Is there a list somewhere of camp skills vs. adventure skills (or uses of those skills) or is it meant to be obvious? Is there a heuristic you use for making the distinction? (not trying to be difficult though I must admit that I am testing boundaries to see where they are hard or soft)

eta: I think the thing that throws me off the most is that it doesn’t seem to be a time issue or a safety issues since there are plenty of adventure tests that require a great deal of time unmolested (like that laborer test). I suppose it may be a recovery issue related to theme… that allowing recovery activities during adventure sucks the life out of the feeling of desperation. Then again, you can use recovery magic during the adventure phase… so where does that leave things? Magic is exceptional and breaks the normal rules anyway?

I demand rules for Cooking conflicts!

They way I’m reading it:

Is it something you are normally/must be doing in/around a campsite? Is it a Test to “recover, reequip and rest” (Spending Checks, pg 83)? Camp phase!

Biting off a piece of bread or drinking water to get rid of Hungry & Thirsty doesn’t require a Test, thus why it does not require Camp phase.

Then again, you can use recovery magic during the adventure phase… so where does that leave things? Magic is exceptional and breaks the normal rules anyway?

Pretty much. Magic is fast. Costs no Turns (or Checks or Lifestyle) to use. It is like breathing.