Sorry if this seems like a dumb question but I never played Burning Wheel before and only just recently read the Mouse Guard RPG after getting into the comics. Anyhoo the question is: Is there a maximum on rating for skills?
The RPG book stated maximum ratings for Nature = 7, Will = 6, Health = 6, Resources = 10, and Circles = 10.
On the character sheet for the Pass/Fail bubbles, Nature’s got 7 Passes, and Will and Health has 6 Passes, matching the stated maximums. But Resources and Circles has 9 Passes, implying that regular advancement rules is needed for a rating of 10.
The skills doesn’t specifically state a maximum (or at least I’m not sure it does). In the Recruitment it states that a mouse can’t have a starting rating higher than 6. But does that still apply during play?
Let’s say Saxon (who already has Fighter 6) has made 6 Passes and 5 Fails, would his Fighter rating go up to 7, and that would be the max as there aren’t enough Pass/Fail bubbles in the character sheet like with Resources/Circles? Or would the situation be more like Nature/Will/Health, and the number of Passes on the sheet equals the max rating?
Thank you all in advance for your time reading this.
I don’t have my book with me, so i can’t cite the page, but it’s 6. You’ll note that all of the abilities on the character sheet have their advancement dots limited to the maximum for that ability.
There is no explicit limit on skill levels in the rulebook that I can find. (There are for Will, Health, Nature, Circles, and Resources.)
There is an implied limit on p. 33; it labels skills of eves 1-6.
limited to 7: p31.
Advancement dots on CS r17: 7p 6f = sufficient to get to 8 Will
limited to 6: p31
Advancement dots on CS r17: 6p 5f = sufficient to get to 7 Health
limited to 6: p31
Advancement dots on CS r17: 6p 5f = sufficient to get to 7 Circles
limited to 10: p32
Advancement dots on CS r17: 9p 9f = sufficient to get to 10 Resources
limited to 10: p32
Advancement dots on CS r17: 9p 9f = sufficient to get to 10 Skills
Highest labeled rating: 6 on p 33
Advancement dots on CS r17: 6p and 5f = sufficient to get to 7
That’s in recruitment… Given that the implied and explicit limits in recruitment for almost everything else is lower than the explicit limits for same elsewhere (Res: 9/10; Circles 8/10, traits 3 levels of a max 15…); unless very young or very old, will and health…