You know you wanted this.
High Index Technology
Damage as SCrEW: I:6, M:9, S:13
DOF as Close Combat (I:1-3, M:4-5, S:6)
May only be bought at character burning if one has taken Padawan, Jedi or Sith LPs (so what if they don’t exist?).
Hand to Hand: May only be used in H2H combat, -1pts
Requires Capacitor: Categorical Limitation: -2pts
Elegant: +1D Skill Advantage Trait for H2H Close Combat Actions, 3pts
Concealable: p519, 2pts
Quick: +1D Advantage against non-quick weapons, 2pts
Superior: Gains the Superior Weapons Bonus to Disposition against Weapons of the same type (H2H), 4pts
Awkward: Limitation (like Heavy) requires Agility of 4 to operate, -3pts
Energy Parry: Device Enhancement: When hit at by a weapon using a Power Pack, Capacitor, or Engine that does Human Scale damage the wielder may make an Agility Test against 2 times the excess successes on the Close Combat or Fire Opportunity. Parrying a Shot Opportunity that made its Obstacle exactly is an Ob1 test. This counts as a Direct Fire Shot Opportunity for the wielder of the lightsaber. 8pts
Power Pack: Ammo Enhancement, 6pts
Padawan Training: Trait Limitation: Requires Padawan Training to use, -3pts
Dangerous To Self: Special Limitation: if a complete failure is rolled (0 successes) on an Energy Parry or a Close Combat Action the wielder takes a hit from his own weapon, roll the DoF. -4pts
Like a Hot Knife: Enhancement Reduce Armor Tolerances by 1 point, 8pts
Sexy Hum: 1pt
Any Color You Like: 1pt
PITAP: 3pts
More Powerful: 3pts
Total: 28pts
Trait: Padawan Training (Dt): Allows the use of the Light Saber. Requires Padawan, Jedi or Sith LPs.
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