
Expeditions This forum is for planning and running Torchbearer adventures. Post your adventure hooks, adventures, custom wandering monster tables, custom loot tables and custom camp event tables here. Town Post your ideas for new towns and thoughts about using existing towns here. New town descriptions, skills, traits, laws and town events welcome! The Well of Urd Discuss the latest posts from the Torchbearer blog. An Adventurer's Essentials Questions about getting started with the Torchbearer Roleplaying Game and questions and thoughts about playing the game. Middarmark Discuss the Middarmark Gazetteer here. The World Known and Unknown Share your setting ideas here - new settlement types, features and cultures welcome. The Tavern Swap tales of your adventures and advice for novice adventurers here. Advice and examples from actual play only please! The Inn Post your characters, questions about beliefs, goals and instincts. Monstrous Compendium Post your fiendish monsters here. Hacks and Expansions Discussions about material using the Torchbearer Sagas and Torchbearer Dungeoneers & Dragonslayers licenses. Also post your own classes, weapons, camp and loot tables!
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 727 February 3, 2019
2 67 June 30, 2024
4 135 June 3, 2024
5 118 May 31, 2024
2 146 May 29, 2024
4 154 June 26, 2024
1 210 February 17, 2024
1 182 January 31, 2024
3 179 March 10, 2024
1 168 March 5, 2024
10 226 March 4, 2024
2 162 March 5, 2024
3 203 February 24, 2024
6 231 February 12, 2024
2 198 February 8, 2024
5 480 February 6, 2024
4 240 January 28, 2024
2 248 January 23, 2024
4 238 January 10, 2024
6 282 January 9, 2024
5 262 January 8, 2024
1 266 January 6, 2024
4 322 December 17, 2023
4 268 December 12, 2023
1 280 December 10, 2023
1 281 September 21, 2023
3 403 November 27, 2023
3 272 November 26, 2023
11 303 November 11, 2023
10 615 October 26, 2023